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Drinking Game / Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

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  • Take a shot whenever Bloo acts selfish. Have an ambulance on standby.
  • Take a shot every time Bloo plays with or mentions paddleballs.
  • Take a shot whenever Bloo acts like a jerk to Mac.
  • Take a shot every time Bloo comes up with a Zany Scheme.
  • Take two shots every time Bloo gets Berry's name wrong.
  • Take a shot whenever Mac gets angry or annoyed with Bloo.
  • Down the bottle whenever Mac goes on a sugar rush. You'll probably know what he's going through.
  • Take two shots every time Mac is shown to be Not So Above It All.
  • Take a shot every time Mac's voice cracks.
  • Take a shot every time Mac's crush on Frankie is brought up.
  • Take a shot every time Wilt apologizes. (HAVE AN AMBULANCE ON STANDBY!)
  • Take two shots every time Wilt is shown playing basketball, or just showing his basketball skills.
  • Take two shots every time Eduardo uses Gratuitous Spanish.
  • Take a shot whenever Eduardo gets scared of something.
  • Take a shot whenever Eduardo eats or mentions potatoes.
  • Take a shot whenever Eduardo cries.
  • Take a shot whenever Coco lays an egg.
  • Take a shot in every instance where Coco's dialogue is later repeated by another character for the audience to understand.
  • Take a shot whenever Frankie loses her temper. Take two if it's not toward Bloo or Mr. Herriman.
  • Take a shot whenever Mr. Herriman acts like a Control Freak. (HAVE AN AMBULANCE ON STANDBY!)
  • Take a shot whenever Cheese starts screaming.
  • Take two shots every time Cheese says "I like [insert]" (ex. "I like chocolate milk").
  • Start sipping whenever Goo runs her mouth non-stop.
  • Every time Duchess acts like a jerk to the other characters.
  • Whenever Jackie Khones makes an appearance.
  • Every time a Body Wipe is used, drink.
  • Whenever the show goes into a commercial break on a dramatic Sting.
  • Whenever a reference to The Powerpuff Girls (1998) is made.
  • In later episodes, take a shot whenever "Talk to the Jeans" plays somewhere.
