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Characters / Wear Your Colours

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The Main Duo


Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd

The crown prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.
  • Dragon Rider: Unlike his canon counterpart, he's this, due to spending the timeskip in Almyra.
  • Red Oni: To Claude's Blue. He's more impulsive and is more willing to ignore social graces.


Claude von Riegan

Heir to House Riegan.

Returning Characters

Adrestian Empire


Edelgard von Hresvelg

Heiress to the Adrestian Empire.


Hubert von Vestra

Heir to House Vestra, and Edelgard's loyal servant.
  • Body Horror: His hands are blackened and withered underneath his gloves. His remains in Wear Your Colours are also described as horrific.
  • Posthumous Character: He dies in the first story, but remains relevant, with one even being told from his point of view.
  • Undying Loyalty: Like his canon self, he has this towards Edelgard. The Colours of Our Banners even suggests he was willing to become a literal monster.


Ferdinand von Aegir

Heir to House Aegir.
  • Ascended Extra: He's the primary Adrestian focus.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: He seems to have an untreated trauma disorder due to the Sacking of Aegir.
  • Beta Couple: With Lorenz, being a more stable couple than Dimitri and Claude.
  • Heel–Face Turn: He's one of two Black Eagles to leave the Empire, although in his case it's due to the Sacking of Aegir leaving himself and people homeless.
  • Good Is Not Soft: He's described as being sweet, but not gentle.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Like his canon counterpart, he becomes this. However, his long hair is symbolic of his trauma.
  • Mark of the Supernatural: His pegasus mark.
  • The Mentally Disturbed: Averted. He struggles with his trauma and House Gloucester has to make sure he doesn't self-destruct.
  • Playing with Fire and Shock and Awe: Like his canon counterpart, his Reason spell list consists of fire and thunder magic. Unlike his canon counterpart, his talent is attributed to his pegasus mark.


Linhardt von Hevring

Heir to House Hevring.
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: He loses Caspar in the first story and is troubled by something he helped with after. He's even more antisocial compared to his counterpart.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He's helped with... something. While he's reluctant to cooperate with Dimitri and Claude after Edelgard's death, it's clear he regrets it.


Caspar von Bergliez

Second son of House Bergliez


Bernadetta von Varley

Daughter of House Varley


Dorothea Arnult

Former singer of the Mittlefrank Opera Company.
  • Broken Bird: She's this as of A Host of Many Colours. Losing the love of your life and being stuck in a cell under constant Silence will do that.
  • Defiant to the End: She refuses to help the Alliance and Kingdom forces even after Edelgard's death.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Edelgard, which is why she refuses to cooperate with the Alliance and Kingdom forces even after the Empire's fall.
  • We Used to Be Friends: With Ferdinand and Manuela.


Petra Macnary

Princess of Brigid
  • Heel–Face Turn: She leaves Edelgard to fight for Claude and Dimitri by her own choice.

Holy Kingdom of Faerghus


Dedue Molinaro

Dimitri's vassal and a survivor of Duscur.
  • Beta Couple: With Byleth. Their relationship is far more stable than Dimitri and Claude's.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Dimitri, just like his canon self.


Felix Hugo Fraldarius

Heir to House Fraldarius.
  • Honest Advisor: To Dimitri, as he tells him what he needs to hear, not what he wants.


Ashe Ubert

Adopted son of Lord Lonato.


Sylvain Jose Gautier

Heir to House Gautier.


Mercedes von Martriz

Former Adrestian noblewoman.


Annette Fantine Dominic

Niece of Baron Dominic.


Ingrid Brandl Galatea

Heiress to House Galatea


Gilbert Pronislav/Gustave Eddie Dominic

Annette's father.

Leicester Alliance


Lorenz Hellman Gloucester

Heir to House Gloucester.


Raphael Kirsten

Orphaned son of merchants.


Ignatz Victor

Second son of merchants.


Lysithea von Ordelia

Heir to House Ordelia.


Marianne von Edmund

Adopted daughter of Margrave Edmund.


Hilda Valentin Goneril

Only daughter of Duke Goneril.—-


Leonie Pinelli

Daughter of a hunter.

Church of Seiros


Byleth Eisner

Mercenary-turned-professor of the Officer's Academy.


Seteth aka Saint Cichol

Assistant of the archbishop.


Flayn aka Saint Cethleann

Seteth's younger sister.


Hanneman von Essar

Crest Scholar and professor of the Officer's Academy.


Manuela Casagranda

Professor of the Officer's Academy, former diva of the Mittelfrank Opera Company.


Alois Rangeld

Knight of Seiros.


Catherine aka Cassandra Rubens Charon

Holy Knight of Seiros


Shamir Nevrand

Mercenary-turned-Knight of Seiros.



Almyran war orphan and personal assistant to the archbishop.


Rhea aka Saint Seiros

Archbishop of the Church of Seiros.
