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Characters / Wakfu Playable Classes

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These are the eighteen classes in the World of Twelve.

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    Cra's Range 
Masters of the bow, utilizing their bow to strike their enemies from afar.
  • An Adventurer Is You: The Archer, unsurprisingly. Cras are the classical backline attackers, having Fire for their heavy shots, Earth for control and damage over time, and Air to shoot the farthest of targets.
  • Arrows on Fire: The entirety of their Fire skills involves shooting flaming arrows, with "Explosive Arrow" blowing up on impact for splash damage.
  • Rain of Arrows: The aptly named "Raining Arrows" skill, which will strike again on the targeted cell on the Cra's next turn.
    Ecaflip's Coin 
Feline gamblers that bet their lives on the line in the heat of combat, leaving their fate to the cards or their dice.
  • Death Dealer: Their Earth skills are the card-based attacks, and they can cast "Double or Quits" to draw a hand of tarot cards with varying effects.
  • The Gambler: Ecaflips rely on their dice or cards to inflict damage, with many of them having secondary effects that give strong buffs or penalties. "Loaded Dice" has damage variance, "Battle" may cause the user to lose their AP, and that's a taste of what they can do.
  • Wound Licking: Targeting allies with "Rough Tongue" will heal them, despite what the name implies.
    Sacrier's Blood 
Self-sacrificing warriors that turn pain into their power, throwing themselves into the frontline to soak as much punishment as possible.
  • An Adventurer Is You: The Meat Shield. Sacriers are berserkers that revel in giving and taking pain, having loads of HP to soak as much punishment as possible and returning it in kind.
  • Bloody Murder: Their Fire skills involve striking their foes with their blood, which in-turn also burns the user.
  • Cast From HP: Sacriers are capable of burning their own life to perform many of their skills, whether it's to further bolster themselves or transfer their life to an ally that may need healing.
    The Masqueraider 
Masked adventurers that take on the persona of their masks, from fighters to lunacy.
    Sram's Shadow 
Sneaky fighters that emerge from the shadows to strike from behind enemy lines.
  • Dem Bones: Their bodysuits are designed with this in mind, and their alternate costume makes them actual skeletons.
    Ouginak's Rage 
Canine warriors that recklessly chase their targets without fail, building Rage to make themselves stronger.
  • Marked to Die: Ouginaks can mark a target as their Prey, which grants them Fury when attacking their prey. Their Prey is lost if they're farther than 6 cells, however.
  • Super Mode: Ouginaks can transform themselves into a Were-Ouginak once filled with enough Rage, powering up their attacks and making them more resilient.
    Iop's Heart 
Courageous knights with incredible strength, acting with their weapons before thinking.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Iops thrive on just wailing a flurry of attacks on their target, and not much else. Stringing together multiple attacks does make them progressively stronger.
    Eniripsa's Hands 
Fae-like beings gifted in healing, with just as much power to maim their enemies with just a few words.
  • Combat Medic: While everyone with Water magic can heal to some extent, the Eniripsa specializes in healing, and is no less potent in inflicting pain too. They can also cast Against Nature, which trades off some of their healing power to increase damage.
  • Marked to Die: Two of their Fire magic spells consists of placing Marks on enemies, and incentivizes allies to target them for extra damage. The Sadist Mark from Heal-splosion makes the defeated enemy explode in a fiery blaze, damaging other enemies near it, while the Hammle Mark from Corrosive Heal makes them more vulnerable to damage and makes them give healing to surrounding allies.
    Feca's Shield 
The protectors of the World of Twelve, utilizing their powers to imbue allies with shields, or lay down glyphs to alter the battlefield.
  • An Adventurer Is You: The Mitigation Tank. Fecas can use their magic to endow their allies with elemental shields to protect them, or they can take that magic unto themselves and transform into a heavily-armored knight.
  • Barrier Warrior: The Feca's specialty, able to cast their spells on allies to grant them shields to bolster survivability. The shields themselves also have secondary effects, such as the Water Shield reducing AP loss from certain attacks.
    Sadida's Shoe 
Nature-bound folk that fight alongside their handcrafted dolls, summoning them to provide an extra hand in combat.
  • An Adventurer Is You: The Minion Master. Sadidas can summon an army of dolls to fight with numbers, and each doll has their own role to play to the Sadida's liking. Unlike the Osamodas, however, their dolls are more or less autonomous.
  • Earthy Barefoot Character: Often regarded as "Tree People" with their love of nature and are typically barefoot.
    Enutrof's Fingers 
Elderly treasure hunters with an insatiable greed, stopping anything that gets in their way to riches.
    Eliotrope's Portal 
A mystical folk that came to be by a freak accident from the God-King, Eliotropes create portals to move in the blink of an eye.
  • Thinking Up Portals: The Eliotrope's specialty. Up to four can be placed in the battlefield at the time, allowing anyone in the party to use them for long-distance traversal, provided an enemy isn't blocking the cell the portal is on. The Eliotrope themself can shoot through a portal to attack enemies near the other portals.
    Foggernaut's Steam 
Ancient, robotic gunners that utilize the power of Stasis to power themselves.
    Huppermage's Rune 
Master elementalists that strive for Krosmic Balance, ever hungry for knowledge.
  • An Adventurer Is You: The Nuker. Huppermages, being the elementalists they are, can conjure the elements and utilize their power to smite their foes with Light.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: Rightfully rated 3-star in complexity, due to their unique Rune system. Casting spells generates an elemental rune, which lasts for two turns (or one with the Dynamo passive equipped). Said runes give extra effects to their spells based on the runes generated, some of which spend the corresponding runes to boost the spell, others being affected by the last rune you generated, requiring a lot of juggling to ensure you have the ones you want. Proper rune management makes for an extremely powerful and versatile Huppermage, allowing them to exploit elemental weaknesses with ease and offer a spot of utility.
  • Light 'em Up: The fifth element they can cast is Light. While the strongest of the four, Light spells have several requirements to bring out their full potential.
  • Mechanically Unusual Class: Huppermages stand out for having access to all four elements as well as Light, and have Quadramental Breeze (QB) instead of Wakfu. How they utilize the elements also plays into the Rune system, which augments their spells based on the runes they generate.
  • Moveset Clone: Several of the Huppermage spells are based off of the other classes' spells, though given their own twist to make them different. The spell Glistening Tears, for example, is based off the Sadida's Tear, albeit scaled back in power.
  • Power Floats: Huppermages float off the ground when evoking "Heart of Light", powering up the element of the last rune generated.
    Xelor's Sandglass 
Time-manipulating mages that use their mastery over time to ensure time stands still for their enemies.
    Osamodas' Whip 
Demon-like summoners that specialize in catching monsters to fight for them.
  • An Adventurer Is You: The Beastmaster. Osamodas already have Gobgob as their companion, and Gobgob can capture other monsters to fight alongside the Osamodas. The Osamodas can also empower their summoned pets with buffs and auras to aid their allies. While their summon count is fewer than the Sadida, they have direct control of their monster of choice.
    Pandawa's Pint 
Martial artists that are nimble on their feet, causing chaos on the battlefield, especially after having a few sips of their bamboo milk.
  • Drunk on Milk: Literally. It's bamboo milk.
  • Drunken Master: Oh yes. Pandawas are empowered when Merry, which is granted whenever they drink from their barrel. Their attacks hit harder while in this state, and accumulates as long as they've got a barrel in their hands.
  • Lightning Bruiser: While technically classified as a tank and not a damage-dealer, that doesn't stop them from dishing out just as much pain, and have insane amounts of movement options to get in position and out.
  • Stance System: Pandawas have three states of Merriment, "Sober", "Merry", and "Worn-Out". Sober is a neutral state that gives them extra range, Merry is an offensive state that grants them more damage and critical hits, and Worn-Out is a defensive state that lowers their damage but increases resistance and block rate.
    Rogue's Ruse 
Cunning masterminds of the battlefield, with marksmanship as sharp as their trickery.
