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Characters / Tome Of Beasts Oozes

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Challenge Rating: 1/4
Alignment: Unaligned

  • The Paralyzer: The dipsa's venom is an anaesthetic that allows it to cling to creatures and slowly turn their innards to jelly without being noticed until the victim falls down dead.

Challenge Rating: 9
Alignment: Unaligned

  • Chest Monster: The oozasis mimics a peaceful, pristine watering hole to draw in unsuspecting prey.
  • Geas: Any creature that drinks the water of an oozasis or eats fruit from the plants growing in it has a dream the next time it sleeps. In this dream, the oozasis places a compulsion to carry out some activity as a torrent of images and sensations.
  • Time Abyss: Some tales claim oozases preserve the memories of mad wizards from dead empires, or that they have unimaginably ancient, inhuman origins.


Blood Ooze

Challenge Rating: 6
Alignment: Unaligned

  • Vampiric Draining: A blood ooze craves hot, fresh blood, which it draws out of its victims, leaving nothing behind but a dry and withered husk.

Corrupting Ooze

Challenge Rating: 5
Alignment: Neutral Evil

  • Muck Monster: A corrupting ooze boils and bubbles with rank marsh gas and the fetid stench of the sewer, and it leaves a stinking trail of acidic slime wherever it goes.

Foxfire Ooze

Challenge Rating: 10
Alignment: Unaligned

  • Shock and Awe: A creature that touches the foxfire ooze while wearing metal or hits it with a metal melee weapon triggers a lightning storm.
  • That's No Moon: From a distance, a foxfire ooze often resembles swamp gas or a cloud of fireflies. A potential prey's curiosity is often what brings it close enough to strike.

Giant Shark Bowl Ooze

Challenge Rating: 8
Alignment: Unaligned

  • Big Eater: The magic within the giant shark bowl requires great energy to maintain, keeping the creature constantly hungry.
  • The Symbiote: The shark and the ooze that make up a giant shark bowl ooze share a symbiotic attachment and would be doomed without one another.
  • Threatening Shark: A shark on dry land may not be very threatening, but a shark that shares its life force with a massive ooze is a different beast.

Ink Guardian

Challenge Rating: 4
Alignment: Unaligned

  • Make My Monster Grow: An ink guardian first appears as a very small blob of ink, and grows in size as it confronts intruders.

Ruby Ooze

Challenge Rating: 6
Alignment: Unaligned

  • Crystalline Creature: Ruby oozes are known to take on a semisolid form that strongly resembles a pile of cut rubies.
  • Taken for Granite: The ruby ooze's protoplasm hardens the flesh it touches into a ruby-like stone.

Shadow Ooze

Challenge Rating: 3
Alignment: Unaligned

  • Fed to the Beast: Shadow oozes show no interest in devouring shadow fey, who in turn feed prisoners to them.
  • Hungry Menace: Shadow oozes are driven by a need to consume almost any other creature they come across.

Suppurating Ooze

Challenge Rating: 1
Alignment: Unaligned

  • Make Them Rot: Suppurating oozes spread seeping death, a radically advanced form of liquefactive necrosis that helps the ooze slowly digest flesh.

    Philosopher's Ghost 
Challenge Rating: 4
Alignment: Unaligned

  • Evil Living Flames: This half-fire, half-ooze creature burns its way through wooden structures with great speed, and, over time, even metal is melted by its heat. Its unexpected creation spells disaster for the alchemist and likely anyone nearby as well.
  • Sickly Green Glow: A philosopher's ghost can appear as an ooze which glows a faint, eerie green in darkness, or as a vaguely-humanoid, green, sparking flame.

    Purple Slime 
Challenge Rating: 3
Alignment: Unaligned

  • Make Them Rot: The purple slime injects a necrotic fluid which dissolves muscle tissue.

    Sap Demon 
Challenge Rating: 4
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

  • Non-Indicative Name: Sap demons aren't true demons, but rather are intelligent oozes that form when an enchanted tree is cut or injured.
  • Puppeteer Parasite: A sap demon can possess another creature by grappling it and oozing down its throat. Once inside, the sap demon dominates its host and makes it bleed as the tree bled. Since the sap demon takes no damage when its host is wounded, it's free to be as reckless as it likes.

Challenge Rating: 4
Alignment: Unaligned

  • Acid Attack: A skitterhaunt can spit a line of acid.
  • Parasite Zombie: This parasitic ooze lives in the shells of monstrous arthropods that it has infested and killed. A skitterhaunt might be mistaken for its original, living version at a glance, but the sluggish, erratic movements and oozing carapace quickly reveal its true nature.

Challenge Rating: 1/4
Alignment: Unaligned

  • Killer Rabbit: Treacles feed on blood but have no natural weapons or acid. To survive, prey must welcome and embrace them, unaware of the threat. The treacles' bodies absorb psychic impressions and take the shape of unthreatening creatures. Among humanoids, treacles transform into pets, infants or injured animals.
  • Vampiric Draining: Once they're in contact with a potential victim, treacles drain blood slowly, ideally while their prey isn't conscious.

    Yaga Goo 
Challenge Rating: 5
Alignment: Neutral Evil

  • Was Once a Man: Adventurers who meet Baba Yaga and offend her are usually boiled down and turned into Yaga goo, an oozing, loyal spy.

Alternative Title(s): Midgard Oozes
