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Characters / RanguGamer

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A page for the multiple characters present in RanguGamer's streams. (currently a work in progress)

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The titular streamer. His real name is Fernando Camino.
A clickbaiting Youtuber who has a fierce rivalry with Rangu.
  • Chick Magnet: Multiple girls used to be in love with him to the point that one of them tattoed his name on her boobs and sent a picture of it to Rangu to taunt him.
  • Dropped A Bridge On Them: He was anticlimatically killed off-screen by Rangu.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: With Rangu. At least until Rangu killed him.

Videogame Characters

The protagonist of Rangu and Eric's Pokemon playthrough. He may or may not be related to Princess Peach.
  • Ambiguously Related: It's been implied that he's related to Princess Peach, but otherwise there isn't any other proof other than that.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Although he himself has no problem insulting Giusepe for being utterly pathetic at Pokémon battles, he's completely horrified when he sees how Professor Oak abuses him.
  • Olympus Mons: He managed to catch and befriend Chansilla. This trope is downplayed however, since it's implied that Chansilla let herself be caught by him and it's also been shown in multiple ocassions that she's perfetly capable of refusing Todstul's orders.
  • Only Sane Man: He seems to be the only sane person in the Pokemon world, then again, it's not hard to seem sane in comparison to all the crazy people and pokemon in this world.

Todstul's rival. He's the abused grandson of Professor Oak and is Mario and Luigi's younger brother.
  • Big "WHAT?!": He let out one of this after watching Chansilla brutally kill his Jolteon.
  • Butt-Monkey: He gets regularly beaten up by his grandpa, he witnessed his Jolteon get brutally tortured and killed by Chansilla and had his dream of being a Pokemon master shattered by Todstul, who he's also in love with.
  • Gruesome Grandparent: His grandpa treats him like trash, regularly insulting him for not meeting his expectations and at one point, he even beats him up for not managing to defeat Todstul in a Pokémon battle.
  • Long-Lost Relative: To Mario and Luigi.
  • Shout-Out. His name is a reference to Dorkly Bits' Giuseppe.
  • The Ditz: Downplayed. Although he doesn't seem to be pretty dumb most of the time, he's under the impression that making his Eevee spam "Whip" over and over in all of his battles is going to help him despite the clear evidence that it won't.

Everybody's favorite plumber. Now an Ax-Crazy nazi that can and will fuck anyone, children included. He's also a good rapper
  • Adaptational Name Change: It's suggested that Goonzalz (the name that Rangu and Eric gave him during their Super Mario RPG playthrough during Super Thursday) is his actual name.
  • Adaptational Villainy: The original Mario was a Nice Guy hero, but this version of Mario, is a psychopathic nazi that regularly mistreats his teammates, hits his brother, abuses Antracs in a sexual and non-sexual way, caused a Bully genocide and even killed the Stellar Mukumuku for no reason.
  • Asshole Victim: He murdered Grubba in cold blood, but it's hard to feel pity for him since he drained multiple fighters of their powers and left them to die and even killed Antracs' mother and turned her into a jacket
  • Ax-Crazy: He committed a genocide on all Bullies because he felt like it.
  • Fat Bastard: He's fat enough to make his opponents' skulls explode by stomping on them, and he's certainly willing to do exactly that to anybody for the pettiest of reasons.
  • Kavorka Man: Between his unpleasant personality, his murderous tendencies, his morbid obesity and his general (in-universe) ugliness, it's a wonder that people keep flirting with him, then again, he IS supposed to be a pretty famous guy.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In the original Lets Plays of Paper Mario, the joke about him was that he always tried to act like he was tougher than he truly was, but in the Raper Mario music video, he shows off his true tougness, easily taking out Grubba, Doopliss, Bowser and Sir Grodus one after another while establishing dominance with his rap.

A MissingNo that changed into the form of a Chansey to have fun with Rangu and Eric. She obliterates her opponents with her little fingers and is unkillable.
  • And I Must Scream: She subjected Mewtwo to one of this, infecting him with an incurable poison that will leave him agonizing for the rest of his life in a cycle of losing HP, recovering it with his powers and then losing it again over and over.
  • Ax-Crazy: She enjoys murdering and torturing other Pokémon with her little finger a lot. As Rangu himself put it once:
    "Wherever Chansilla puts her eyes on, she puts her finger."
  • Badass Adorable: The main joke about Chansilla is how much of a badass she is, despite her adorable appearance.
  • Been There, Shaped History: Rangu once said that Chansilla's existence was the reason behind the creation of Blisseys, as they were seemingly produced as a way to create more powerful Chanseys in response to her and her enormous power.
  • Catchphrase: "And with this little finger...!", usually said moments before brutalizing her opponents with Metronome.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: She subjected Giusepe's Jolteon to one of this, immobilizing him with vines and then depleting his HP with weak moves so he could have a slow death.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: She's a master at delivering this to other Pokemon, to the point that Eric even compared her to Saitama from One-Punch Man
  • Eldritch Abomination: She's a MissingNo/Ultra Being that took on the form of a Chansey to have fun with the player, she's inhumanly powerful for Pokémon standards (she easily toyed around with Mewtwo despite being about 10 levels below him, and merely let him live because she got bored), she's impossible to kill or knock out (when her HP depletes, she merely gets tired of playing with her opponents), can move between dimensions to No-Sell paralysis-based attacks, flooded Mewtwo's cave by lifting a finger, shows incomprehensible "Matrix-like" data when she's scanned by Pokedexs, and she may or may not be God and Satan at the same time.
  • Glad He's On Our Side: After Pikachu witnesses Chansilla curbstomp Mewtwo, he tells her how much he appreciates the fact that they're friends while attempting to hide how scared he is of her.
  • Ominous Visual Glitch: It wasn't shown on-screen, but, when Professor Oak scanned Chansilla with his Pokedex, he claimed that it started showing "strange Matrix-like data", due to her eldritch nature.
  • Morality Chain: It's been implied that if it wasn't for Todstul, she wouldn't stop killing people ever.
  • Pink Means Feminine: Subverted. Despite being pink and a girl, she most certainly isn't traditionally girly.
  • Planet Eater: Not outright shown, but, when Rangu sees her again during a test about Pokémon, he calls her "the devourer of worlds".
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: She has glowing red eyes in her appearance during Arceus Legends, and she's just as deadly as before, as she effortlessly curbstomps Rangu's Pokémon until she allows herself to get caught by him.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Double Subverted. As powerful as she is, her physical attacks usually don't do much to her opponents, since her body is extremely soft, and there isn't much she can do about it. However, given how there's other ocassions where she shows her capability to produce a lot of damage with her bare hands (like when she grabbed a Ninetales and then started slamming him against the ground over and over with extreme ease, or when she stabbed a Kadabra with her fingers) and her tendency to play around with her food, she may be giving the illusion of this on purpose.
  • Sapient Eat Sapient: She nearly ate Giusepe after killing his Jolteon, but since it was merely a one-off joke from Rangu, nothing came out of it.
  • Self-Mutilation Demonstration: There has been multiple occasions where she has let her opponents hit her with their strongest attacks to show them the futility of fighting back and to make them die with the knowledge that they didn't stand a chance against her.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: She constantly sprinkles her speech with sexual references and swear words, to the point that "Hijo de puta" may as well be her second Catchphrase.
  • Tempting Fate: During her battle with Mewtwo, Rangu jokingly said "Could you imagine she poisons him?", less than a second later, she infects him with an incurable poison, cue Rangu and Eric laughing their asses off like usual.
  • Time Abyss: Her appearance during Arceus Legends shows that she has lived for long before recorded human/Pokémon history and hasn't aged at all.
  • The Dreaded: The moment Mewtwo saw her, he got paralyzed by fear and then started spamming defensive moments to avoid getting killed by her.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: She shapeshifted into a Jolteon during her battle against Giusepe's Jolteon

     Wolfurra The Coldblooded 
A parody of edgy Sonic OCs such as Coldsteel, Wolfurra is a personalized character created by Rangu and Eric for their playthrough of Sonic Forces. Not much is known about her, other than that she's edgy, she's a jew, she idolizes Sonic and loves getting new clothes all the time.
  • Ascended Fanboy: She's a Sonic fangirl who aids him in defeating Eggman.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She wants to be Sonic's best friend, and thus, sees Tails as a rival rather than a partner.
  • Informed Judaism: She's supposed to be jewish, yet there is no indication of this other than a joke about the Boy In The Striped Pyjama.
  • Playing with Fire: She can shoot fire infinitely with one of the weapons they chose for her.
  • Purple Is Powerful: She's an edgy OC that can help Sonic defeat the likes of Infinite, and her fur is "cool purple".
  • Shout-Out: The constant jokes about her fur color being "cool purple, not gay purple" is a reference to a part of Coldsteel The Hedgeheg's bio where it's mentioned that he likes purple, but only "the cool kind, not the gay kind".
  • Unlimited Wardrobe: She always changes clothes between missions, and thus, is never wearing the same thing everytime she goes on a mission, to the confusion of her teammates.
    Random soldier: Where does she even get all those clothes? Does she steal them from the corpses? But no one wears clothes like those, we're all naked. But then, where does she get them from?
  • Vocal Dissonance:
    • Despite her edginess and rough appearance, she has a very high pitched child-like voice that has been compared to anime lolis in multiple occasions.
    • Played for Laughs in Rangu and Eric's reading of Hamor Proibido, where Rangu decided to give Wolfurra (who was a newborn baby that somehow knew how to talk) an extremely deep and masculine voice like Knuckles Jr's.

The Megaman.exe from Rangu's Mega Man Battle Network let's play. Originally, a kid named Hub, he was resurrected by his psychopathic father Dr. Hikari in the form of a NetNavi and given to his younger brother Lan as a Black Comedy joke about misogyny and domestic abuse. At the end of the game, he manages to materialize in the real world to murder Lan and replace him after his life was taken away from him.
  • Abusive Parents: He was poisoned by his mother and when his father discovered that he was dying, instead of trying to save him, he decided to turn him into a Net Navi without his consent and then forced him to never tell the truth to Lan.
  • Politically Incorrect Hero: Despite being a hero who fights against Woctoh Wah Wee's forces, he's a misogynistic asshole who hates the LGBT.
