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Characters / Pandora's Tower

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Below is the character sheet for Pandora's Tower.

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The Player Character. He's been friends with Elena for a long time. He came to her performance in her home kingdom to watch her sing at a festival, only for disaster to befall and her to be cursed. Aeron must now slay the Master Beasts in the Thirteen Towers and feed their flesh to her to lift the curse.
  • Ancestral Weapon: The Oraclos chain he wields has presumably been wielded by every single one of his ancestors over the past 500 years, because he is the direct descendant of Zeron and her husband.
  • As You Know: As noted under Idiot Hero, he should already know the answers to the questions he initially asks, like Mavda's name and her people, forcing her to be Ms. Exposition.
  • Chain Pain: Mavda gave to him the Oraclos chain, an ancestral weapon meant to help him on his quest.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: His first weapon is a sword from his time as a soldier.
  • Idiot Hero: When the player is given the option to ask questions on lore and other information, Mavda will point out he should know all this already... including her name.
  • Love at First Sight: After passing out in Elena's village while fleeing the war, waking up to her presence compels him to blurt out his affection.
    Aeron: Is this... Paradise?
  • Not So Stoic: Throughout the story, his drive to save Elena pushes him into a lot of anguish he cannot hide anymore.
  • Player Character: The player controls him for the entire game.
  • Returning War Vet: Aeron met Elena after surviving his last battle and has lived in her village since. However, he was a soldier for the other side, so he has been extremely paranoid whenever outside the village because refugees like him are always hunted.
  • The Stoic: He's a very reserved man who only speaks when it's necessary, and even then the words are few and far between.
  • War Is Hell: After the fifth Master is defeated, he has a dream of happier times with Elena, before it devolves into an earlier memory of when he hid behind a rock as fireballs fell around him during the war. He wakes up with his hands shaking.



Aeron's friend, Elena has longed to sing at her city's annual festival. When she finally achieves her dream, she's revealed to have the beast's curse, which is turning her into a monster.
  • Against My Religion: Elena is a follower of Aios, a culture that abhors carnivorous diets and advocates vegetarian diets. So when she's told that the only way to break the curse is eating beast flesh, she threw up (At first).
  • Ascended to Carnivorism: Elena is a Miko (priestess). Part of her order's creed is not to eat meat. However, eating the flesh of the master beasts in the thirteen towers is the only way to completely lift the curse.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: The moment her curse first manifested? During the Harvest Festival she dreamt her whole life performing at. So now the whole country believes she's a monster.
  • Body Horror: Elena is slowly turning into a purple tentacled monster. Only eating the flesh of all twelve tower masters can undo the curse.
  • Girl in the Tower: Elena spends the game hiding in the Observatory with Mavda.
  • Guilt Complex: When she finds out Aeron has to go into the towers over and over again to get her flesh to remedy her curse, she feels guilt that she's putting him in such danger. And if the curse gets far enough along without flesh, while she's writhing in pain and using a sheet to cover her horrific form, she can only weakly cry out sorry.
  • Hereditary Curse: It turns out in the best ending that this is the point of the curse, regarding Aeron and his ancestors. Those that love them are cursed to be Zeron's new form.
  • I Am a Humanitarian: Subverted. When Mavda tells Elena the truth of the curse, she worries about this, but Mavda assures her that it this point they aren't human anymore, and it really doesn't make her this trope.
  • It Gets Easier: At first she was adamantly against eating the Beast Flesh, yet as the game continues she starts to enjoy the taste. By the last Master Flesh, she behaves like an addict in need of a fix, chowing down on it like a ravenous animal.
  • Rei Ayanami Expy: Downplayed and Averted. Downplayed in that she looks similar to Rei, with the same hair color and near red eyes with a lithe figure. However, the aversion is that she has long hair and is a very personable girl.
  • Seeing Through Another's Eyes: The visions Elena are experiencing after consuming Master Flesh is Zeron's memories, as Mavda realizes in the best ending upon meeting her.
  • Voice of the Legion: After several masters, especially during one of the worse endings, she and Zeron's voice is heard in unison when she suddenly attacks Aeron.




An elderly Vestra woman who brought Aeron and Elena to the Observatory overlooking the Scar. She informs them that Elena's curse can be broken if she eats the flesh of the towers' master beasts.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Mavda's skin is violet.
  • Ambiguously Evil: From the get go, while Mavda is willing to help, she does some enigmatic cackling, and keeps some secrets from the two lovers. In all but one ending, where she turns them over to the government, she is a good person, trying to put an end to the towers.
  • The Atoner: She admits her people are as much to blame for the 500 years of suffering as Zeron, and chooses to close the scar to end it all.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: Mavda wears a coat that has one long sleeve over her arm.
  • Here We Go Again!: Upon finding Elena, she chuckles to herself, "It struck again." It turns out she's been spending years leading people affected by the curse to the thirteen towers to (hopefully) cure the curse. All she did was create every beast fought in the towers.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Seals the scar and destroys the towers at the cost of her life.
  • Miniature Senior Citizens: Mavda is a very short woman.




A wife and mother that appears in Elena's visions after consuming Master Flesh.
  • All Your Powers Combined: She has the power of every Master Aeron has fought.
  • Big Bad: In her desire to complete the thirteenth Master so she can reunite with her family, she has allowed the war between the nations to drag out, and has cursed Aeron's ancestors for 500 years.
  • Body Horror: Having Elena removed from her turned her into a mass of limbs and a stretched-out face.
  • Disney Villain Death: In Ending S, when she tries to eat Aeron, he shoots her in the mouth with the chain, sending her plummeting to the depths of the Scar. If she survived that, it didn't matter since she was consumed by lava.
  • Fusion Dance: The lower half of her face is Elena's whole face.
  • Gone Horribly Wrong: Experiment Zero would've succeeded and she and her husband would become one, but her surprise pregnancy threw the process off, creating a monster.
  • Grand Theft Me: What she wants to do with Elena.
  • It's All About Me: She's convinced that Aeron did the quest for her and not for Elena.
  • Light Is Not Good: Her body is made of golden armor, but she is a Master through and through.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: At first she had noble goals: unite the gods to end the war. However, after 500 years of being incomplete under the mistaken belief that her husband had their new son with another woman, she now only cares about being complete; as the worst ending shows, that would lead to her subjugating the whole world.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: What kicks off the plot is her depression after losing her son Ruben in a marching accident.
  • Prayer Is a Last Resort: After Ruben died, she and her husband tried to have another child, but were having no luck. She made one last prayer she thought was never answered, and went through with Experiment Zero... but the experiment went haywire when she was found to indeed be pregnant.
  • Rapid-Fire "No!": When Aeron defeats her, she devolves into this.
  • Surprise Pregnancy: What turned her into a monster. Halfway through the experiment, she mutated beyond saving, but her husband and new son were saved. She mistook her new child for her husband cheating on her.
  • Together in Death: The final post-credits scene of Ending S is Zeron presumably talking to her husband in the afterlife while seeing Aeron and Elena happy together.
    Zeron: Our future... is secure. Our bond lived on beyond our deaths. Thanks to you...
  • Tragic Keepsake: Even after 500 years and losing her humanity, she still has Ruben's toy horse with her.
  • Yandere: After becoming Experiment Zero, she's devolved into this.
