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    The Invader Rights Association in General 
An association of humans that banded together to abolish the Rangers and give fair protection to Invaders.
  • Cyborg: Members of the IRA all have Divine Tools directly integrated into their flesh, ranging from the back of their necks to completely replacing their eye.
  • Evil Running Good: The surviving Executives are revealed to be the benefactors of the IRA, providing them with the material and Invader DNA needed to wage war.
  • Light Is Not Good: Despite the pristine, white walls of their cathedral-like headquarters, the IRA harbors much darker motives as three Executives are pulling the strings. It comes to a head in chapter 90 when hundreds, if not thousands of would be IRA recruits are all trapped in the base's auditorium and transformed into monsters.
  • Hypocrite: Their goal may seem noble, but the few members we see are very eager to make an "us versus them" dichotomy. They tell D and crew they only want peace and despise the violence of the Rangers, but when Hisui and D reject the IRA, the members are quick to retaliate with violence.
  • Mirroring Factions: With the Ranger Association. Though they come off as opposites, they both share a core philosophy that the Invaders are inferior to humans. They differ in their methods of dealing with them, as the Rangers seek extermination while the IRA has a savior complex.
  • Suicidal Pacifism: Played straight and subverted. For the first 90 chapters the IRA demands the Keepers unilaterally cease all hostility and aggression against the Invaders, even to disband entirely. While in a sense it could be understood since there have been no civilian casualties or property destruction in over 12 years, as far as anyone knows Invaders still attack in earnest every Sunday.
    • Subverted when it's revealed they are perfectly willing to use force and be violent— against the Rangers and Keepers, since they have decided to ally with the Invaders and gained their powers.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: The defining trope of this organization, as they wish for the Invaders to no longer be persecuted by the Rangers. According to the Rangers, it goes deeper than that, given that their human leader was once a member of the Invader Church.
  • Transhuman Treachery: Almost all of the human officers of the Invader Rights Association willingly undergo partially transforming into the deceased Executives after injecting themselves with the Invader Creation serum. Inko takes it a step further by injecting herself with the second dosage, which fully transforms her into Executive Todomask.
  • White Man's Burden: Angel's father describes their mission this way. The association recognizes how terribly the Invaders have been tortured by the Rangers and seek coexistence, but nobody in the association believes that the Invaders can do it on their own and wants humanity to uplift and assimilate the Invaders instead. D then realizes that this means that the Association also doesn't see the Invaders as real people like the Executives and Rangers do, but in the opposite direction.

The Invader Rights Association

    Yakushi Usukubo 

Yakushi Usukubo
Chairman of the Invader Rights Association and father of Angel. He seeks a world where Invaders and humans can coexist in peace.
  • Absurdly Youthful Father: Yakushi mentions that he was only in middle school when the show of the Dragon Keepers first appeared, about 20 years ago. His daughter Angel is only a teenager, making him father her either during or just after he entered high school. Even D thinks the math doesn't add up. As it turns out, he didn't sire her at all; she was just a random orphan he adopted after Yulimerida merged with her.
  • Affably Evil: Yakushi carries himself as a calm, reserved man seeking to end the longstanding war through peaceful means. Those means, however, involve complete subjugation of the human population by turning themselves into Invaders to serve the Executives.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Gets his forearm torn off by Sosei after provoking him in a gambit to expose the Rangers' true nature on Hwalipon's stream.
  • Arc Villain: Yakushi serves as one of the main villains of the Three-Way Battle arc, transforming into Giga-Invader Death Messiah to battle the five Dragon Keepers. D also fights against him due to not agreeing with Yakushi's beliefs.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: After he learns D is an Invader, Yakushi apologizes for his and his team's earlier patronizing and then actually shows D how his fellow Dusters are being treated by the Rangers. He then asks how he plans to side on that issue, and whether he can actually call himself an Invader if he continues following the Rangers.
  • Ascended Fanboy: He was a fan of the Invaders during the original broadcast of the Rangers show when he was young and was beyond ecstatic when the real deal had come to Earth. He spent the last 13 years devoted to the Invaders only to finally serve directly under an Executive. Its later revealed he was one of the few cultists to survive Peltrola's massacre.
    • He becomes an Invader in his own right after taking a double dosage of the Invader Creation Serum, transforming him into the Giga-Invader Death Messiah.
  • Character Death: The Time Skip narration at the end of Chapter 125 notes that Yakushi passed away after a year and two months in captivity. Green Battalion starved him to death after they successfully trapped Yakushi in the IRA's prison room.
  • Despair Event Horizon: After being trapped in the special cell that previously held Kanon, Yakushi realized out of all the advantages and powers he gave the Giga-Invader Death Messiah serum, his unwillingness to fully become an Invader means he had one flaw; starvation. At the very least D being trapped with him in the cell means he can take some solace starving to death while talking to a Footsoldier.
  • Dimensional Cutter: Similar to the Executive he serves under, Yakushi is able to create portals though space to move about the IRA's headquarters.
  • "Do It Yourself" Theme Tune: Sings the jingle for the Giga-Invader Death Messiah after injecting himself with the Invader Creation Serum and transforming into him.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: He's first introduced as an unnamed character at a karaoke bar singing a song about the Rangers.
  • Fan of Underdog: His adoration for the Invaders stemmed from his youth where he rooted for the Invaders during the original broadcast of the Dragon Keepers.
  • Hipster: Aside from him being a Fan of Underdog, the other gripe he has with the Ranger Organization is that they're knockoff frauds of the originals that no real fan of the Tokusatsu Edition would ever accept.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: The Three-Way Battle arc ends with Green Battalion trapping Yakushi in his IRA's own prison room, which Yakushi is said to have starved to death after 14 months of captivity.
  • Imagination-Based Superpower: How his version of Giga Invader Death Messiah operates. He's only able to be as powerful as he believes Death Messiah to be, and if he can interpret something from the show as a superpower, he'll have that power too. Conversely, this is also the only way to beat him; if he believes a weakness is canon, then that weakness is what Death Messiah has too.
  • Interspecies Romance: Fell in love with an Invader Executive named Yulimerida when he was younger, which is the core of his eagerness to stand with the Kaijin Army.
  • Otaku: His love for the Invaders is so deep that he has an extensive collection of merchandise from the original show including every season in VHS, minifigures he prays to daily, and even fan made merchandise.
  • "Reason You Suck" Speech: Essentially tells Sosei straight to his face that the Dragon Keepers are terrible copies of the original show they were based on. It does not end well for him.
  • Skewed Priorities: Despite his loyal subordinates and Executive allies getting the tar beaten out of them by the Dragon Keepers, Yakushi's real intention to visit the holding cell where Kanon and the real Hibiki is in order to drop off his collection of the original Ranger DVDs as their prison is safe from all outside harm.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: In a way, he's not wrong to seek a peaceful coexistence between humans and Invaders. However, given the track record of the Executives, calling for an abolition of the Rangers is probably not a wise decision.
  • White Man's Burden: Wholeheartedly believes sympathetic humans are the only ones capable of helping the Invaders.



The former Junior First Class Yellow ranger who is now serving as part of the Invaders Rights Association.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Him siding with the IRA wasn't just out of respect for the Invaders but as a means to prove his brilliance over Yellow Keeper, and later humanity as a whole when he injected himself with his version of the Invader Creation Serum.
  • Evil Genius: As to be expected of Yellow Keeper's former subordinate.
  • Mad Scientist: Of the Mad Biologist variety, as he's in charge of the IRA's experiments in creating the monsters.
  • Rival Science Teams: With Yellow Keeper and the rest of Yellow Battalion as a means to surpass Yellow Keeper. It seems to be a one-sided affair though, as Yellow Keeper doesn't really pay him any mind.

    Kaede Ukyo 

Kaede Ukyo

A member of the Invaders Rights Association with a strong sense serving justice. She's friends with Juji.
  • Bully Hunter: Her sense of justice caused her to go after questionable people. Especially those that were bullying her friend, Juji.
  • Damsel in Distress: She got herself in trouble with the Ranger Association for investigating too deep into them, and was on the verge of being caught, and possibly killed, by them had Juji not come to her rescue.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Chapter 94 is focused around her and Juji's Backstory.
  • The Dreaded: When she was in high school, delinquents feared her as "the Demon."
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: After injecting herself with a syringe containing the formula for creating Invaders, Kaede undergoes a mutation that makes her a human-Invader hybrid. D points out she's partially mutated into one of the deceased executives.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Because of Andrega's ability to reflect any attacks done directly to her, Shinya simply opts to attack everything. Amidst the wave of destruction his attack caused, Kaeda was bisected below the waist and bled out not long after.
  • Humanoid Abomination: After taking the first dosage of the Invader Creation serum, she partially mutates into Executive Andrega.
  • An Ice Person: Her divine tool had control over ice, though she needed a water source in order to fully use it unlike Souma's tool.
  • Intrepid Reporter: Kaede becomes a reporter later in life, which she starts investigating the behind-the-scenes conspiracy going on with the Ranger Association. She ends up getting in hot water for digging too deep.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Juji, having been friends since in high school where she was his senior and protected him from bullies.
  • Student Council President: Served as this at her old school. She was so strict about keeping her school safe and clean that she went so far as to fight delinquents who were bullies or were just smokers.

    Juji Sazan 

Juji Sazan

A member of the Invaders Rights Association who's friends with Kaede.
  • Batter Up!: Uses a bat as a weapon.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Later in life, he comes to Kaede's rescue when he saves her at the last second from being caught by several members of the Ranger Association that were trying to silence her investigation into them.
  • Challenging the Bully: He starts off being scared of bullies, but Kaede's influence eventually gave him the courage to fight back.
  • Character Development: Thanks to Kaede's influence, Juji went from an Extreme Doormat that let delinquents bully him to a confident man that will charge at and fight the enemies before him.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Chapter 94 is focused around his and Kaede's Backstory.
  • Extreme Doormat: He starts off as this letting bullies walk all over him. However, thanks to Kaede's influence, he gains the courage to stand up against the people who were bullying him.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: After injecting himself with a syringe containing the formua for creating Invaders, Juji undergoes a mutation that makes him a human-Invader hybrid. D points out their mutations aren't just any normal Invader, but the deceased Executive's. In Juji's case, he inherited Magatia's appearance and gained his illusory powers as well.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: Played for laughs. It's already known Ukyo has died so the Ukyo approaching him was D in disguise. While he does pass onto Juji her final message that manages to let him regain his humanity, the mood is immediately shattered by Ukyo/D clocking him.
  • Uncertain Doom: Essentially left for dead after being stabbed in the stomach by Shun with his Divine Tool then knocked out by D as his illusory world collapsed around him.



A member of the Invaders Rights Association.
  • Friendless Background: Struggled to fit in with others as a child and was bullied for it.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: An outcast from society as a child and well into her adult years that became the vessel for the Rat Executive's revival.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: She's all in for becoming an Invader, admiring their monstrous forms and being okay with throwing away her humanity.
  • School Bullying Is Harmless: Averted. Part of the reason why she resents humanity and embraces the Invaders is because she was bullied from a young age all the way into her teens, and while the bullying stuck with her all her tormentors got away with it.

    Kiisu and Ruuna 

Kiisu and Ruuna

A pair of lovers that constantly find themselves in harm's way. As it would turn out, they are the Monkey and Rabbit executives. See their section in the Invaders page for more information regarding their true form.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Played for laughs. After saving Konno from being devoured by a monster, both Kiisu and Ruuna had their legs torn off. Rather than abject horror, Ruuna is happy that they can take a taxicab home now as Kiisu begrudgingly admits they can't exactly crawl home. It is of course because neither of them are human.
  • Anime Hair: Kiisu sports a pompadour.
  • Foreshadowing: Following The Reveal in chapter 97, there were a lot of hints suggesting this dopey couple was more than they let on:
    • They were introduced roaming the school ruins Magatia had occupied. It was later revealed his DNA was recovered to make the Invader Creation Serum for Juji's partial transformation into him.
    • Their first appearance was also hallmarked by the introduction of the Monsters, something the unknown Executive was able to control.
    • They're initially introduced as insignificant joke characters who seem to have no impact, but they sport very distinctive character designs, especially Ruuna and her elaborate moon theming.
    • Ruuna speaks with a Kansai accent (stylized as a Southern drawl in the translations), a dialect shared by the unknown Executive. Ruuna and the Executive both tend to say ほな(hona) as well, a Kansai farewell meaning something like "alright then."
    • They were deemed important enough by Yakushi to be direct invites to the upper echelon of the IRA and were conveniently missing when Kanon was beating the tar out of the others.
  • Kimono Fanservice: Ruuna's outfit is a rather lowcut kimono that also reveals her bust.
  • Large Ham: The both of them.
  • Lethal Joke Character: Despite coming off as some madly in love couple that continuously finds themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, its turns out they are the thought to be missing Rabbit and Monkey Executives. They can also fuse together to form the unknown Executive that had been tormenting the Rangers since the Zoo incident.
  • More than Meets the Eye: Introduced as a couple that was wandering the school Magatia had inhabited but received direct invites from Yakushi to be sitting board members of the IRA. Later its revealed that they're both halves of the unnamed 13th Executive.
  • No-Sell: After their legs are bitten off by a monster, both are utterly unfazed. Ruuna actually celebrates, as it means she no longer has to walk home.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: Introduced as a pair of hammy lovers and cling together constantly for all of their subsequent appearances.
