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Characters / Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2

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The Albatross

    The Scout 
A stowaway who ends up becoming the savior of the crew.
  • Blank Slate: The first protagonist of a Dragon Quest Monsters game to not have any known history or personality traits outside of being noble and brave. The only thing we find out about him is the fact he wants to be a great monster scout.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: He becomes good friends with everyone on the Albatross and they are all much older than he is.

    Captain Rex Mayday 
A veteran sailor and the captain of the Albatross.
  • The Captain: He is the captain of the Albatross.
  • Nice Guy: An overall just and good guy. When Rex finds out his ship has a stowaway, instead of forcing him off he puts the Scout to work to earn his keep. He then quickly gets attached to the Scout, becoming something of a surrogate father to him.
  • Ship Tease: A relationship between him and Melonie is implied, the two greatly enjoy each other's company and always seem worried if the other is hurt.

    Lily Gilder 
A rich young woman who is an experienced monster scout.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Slowly warms up to the Scout, especially due to the two of them being forced into some adventures together.
  • Rich Bitch: Her defining trait for much of the game.

    The Countess 
Lily's Teeny Sanguini who is more than she appears. She is much friendlier than her master.
  • Evil-Detecting Dog: Flies into a rage when a dangerous event or a wicked monster is nearby.
  • Literal Split Personality: She is the physical incarnation of Leonyx's goodness. In order to return the Divine Battler to his former glory, the hero must beat Malevolynx so that the Countess may fuse with it, bringing back Leonyx.
  • Morality Pet: The Countess is the only being Lily shows any sort of warmth to for a while.

    Rory Bellows 
The mechanic of the Albatross and Rex's best friend since childhood. He is the only crew member other than the hero who didn't fall off the Albatross.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: A gruff and blunt guy with a really big heart. When the Albatross crashes, his first priority is finding all the lost passengers.
  • Number Two: He serve as one to Mayday, being his right hand man and the ship's engineer and mechanic.

    Dr. Eugene Pool 
An old man who is incredibly well learned on monsters.
  • Cool Old Guy: An incredibly friendly fellow who immediately takes a liking to the Scout despite him being a stowaway.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In the post-game he decides to become a monster scout and proves to be incredibly good at it. You can fight him to earn the monsters he finds.

    Archie Logg 
A reckless young man who is a traveling merchant and scholar.
  • Book Worm: He is quite bookish and has spend some time reading times found in the Arena. He even wears eyeglasses for good measures.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: In his fervor to find some ancient artifacts in the Treeditation, Rory saves him from being eaten by the Wormonger but then gets eaten himself. Archie is horrified with this and afterward learns his lesson in being careful.

A pretty woman who is a newly hired waitress at the Monster Scout Challenge.

Residents of the Mysterious Island

    Don Mole 
The fat and jolly ruler of the moles and runner of an ancient Monster Scout Arena. Proves to be a vital ally in the strange realms surrounding the crashed Albatross.

For tropes pertaining to his debut game, see here.

  • Adaptational Nice Guy: An unusual example as Don Mole was always a good guy, but the Moonshadow Harp he had on his person drove him crazy. In this game he has his harp, but he remains just as nice as when he doesn't have it.
  • Big Fun: Extremely affable and loves music.

A benevolent feline monster who was corrupted into the terrible Malevolynx.
  • Big Good: A noble hearted monster who ruled over his home island benevolently. Restoring him restores order to the island as a whole.
  • Final Boss: His corrupted version Malevolynx is the last boss of the story mode in Joker 2.

A brilliant scholar who created the artificial monster Rigor Mortex.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: He claimed that under Leonyx’s rule humanity would never advance and gathered support for his project saying they could exceed the deity beast. This was all just a farce though, Zehlam only wanted to make Rigor Mortex to serve his own plans of taking over the island and eventually the world.
  • Posthumous Character: He has long been killed by Rigor Mortex by the time the game stats, you don’t even encounter his ghost like with the rest of the deceased citizens of the island.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: His plan of having Leonyx dethroned worked out, but it was after his own creation turned on him and killed him.

    Rigor Mortex 
A twisted artificial monster created by the great scientist Zehlam to be stronger than the god-like warrior Leonyx. It is the Big Bad of Joker 2 and the source of almost all the problems in the game.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Rigor Mortex does constant horrible actions and revels in all of them.
  • Eviler than Thou: To his creator Zehlam, whom he was quite happy to destroy in his bid for domination.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Zehlam sought to create a monster stronger than Leoynx. He succeeded and quickly regretted this.
  • Mechanical Abomination: It is incredibly difficult describing just what the heck Rigor Mortex is. It is essentially a huge cross between a scale, a clock, and an astrolabe made of metal, plant, and bone matter with a single glaring red eye in it.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Leonyx sealed him away in the Dark World to protect the world, and will break the seal himself if the hero can prove he can destroy Rigor Mortex.
  • Superboss: A rare case of the main villain being this as you fight him in the post-game rather than the main story.
