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Characters / Clear Vision Elite

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Characters from the third classic clear vision game.

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    Aace Bradley 

Reason for death



A guy killed on the oil rig, along with his guards.
  • Leave No Witnesses: Employing this principle, Aace's guards are also fair game, as they could raise alarms if left breathing.
  • Puzzle Boss: Finding the right sequence to off his men and him is the bulk of the mission.
  • Stealth-Based Mission: He has to be killed without alerting his guards, meaning they have to be killed in a specific order to avoid raising an alarm.

    Tony Carter 

Reason for death



A bullet dodging magician who was killed while walking down the street

    Mike Fernando 

Reason for death



A man taking a siesta. Him and his dilligent companions are slain during this time.
  • Artistic License – History: Siestas are taken in the early afternoon, while the sun tends to set in the evening. Maybe Mike just felt like taking another nap under the guise of a cultural tradition.
  • Elite Mooks: His bodyguards are willing to trade shots with any snipers that may interfere with Mike's siesta, and they sure as hell won't go down without a fight.
  • Too Dumb to Live: For a guy savvy enough to hire armed guards, he's too stupid not to take a nap out in the open. Needless to say, he's extremely vunerable to sniper fire, with his guards being far more of a challenge than he is.

    Richard Herjalainen 

Reason for death



Jake's first victim in the third game.

    Ernst Zimmerman 

Reason for death

Unknown. Maybe because of his hat.


A billionaire slain in his mansion
  • Death by Irony: His top hat (which represented his status) was also a contributing factor to changing his status to deceased.
  • Hat of Authority: His top hat showcases his wealth and status. It also identifies him for Jake and makes it easier for him to kill him.

    Anders Magnusson 

Reason for death



A man on a luxury cruise. He has to be killed without being noticed by the many passengers.
  • Cool Boat: What he's travelling on and where he dies.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste: What else could you call a guy that vacations on a luxury yacht except this?
  • Puzzle Boss: He's too far away to identify by appearance, so killing him requires finding his suite and shooting him there.

    Johan Kristoffersson 

Reason for death



A man guarded by his goons on an icy base. All of them are targets to be iced.
  • Elite Mooks: Despite not being dressed appropiately, his goons are far more adept than previous guards, and will make short work of Jake if given the chance.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Wisely attempts this on his snowmobile once the bullets start flying and the bodies start dropping.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: He's one of the most challenging bosses, due to his durable men and his attempted escape on his snowmobile, meaning that beating him requires channeling everything Jake has learned so far.

    Stanislav Petrov 

Reason for death



A man hiding in the woods with his friend. He was killed during this camping trip.
  • Heavy Sleeper: The guy on the right is such a heavy sleeper that a fucking gunshot won't wake him up from his nap. Perhaps he's deaf or suicidal.
  • Horrible Camping Trip: Being assassinated by a sniper surely isn't the most fun camping experience. Certainly worse than smores and marshmallows.
  • Leave No Witnesses: His camping buddy was also killed to avoid them raising the alarm too quickly.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: His reason for trying to hide out in the woods. Too bad it wasn't enough to save him.
  • Stationary Boss: Neither target moves due to being such heavy sleepers. Though the guy on the left will open fire on Jake if alerted.
  • Too Dumb to Live: The guy on the right is such a deep sleeper that the other guy being murdered by a sniper won't wake him up from him slumber, making him an easy target once his friend is dealt with.
  • Warmup Boss: While the guy on the right is a total pushover, his friend is one of the simpler examples of a target fighting back, and will engage Jake in combat if spooked.

    Athir Narsi 

Reason for death

Related to the "meating" he was participating in


A man killed during a "meating" in the middle of the night
  • Boom, Headshot!: A rare example where Jake wasn't the one to do the headshotting. The mysterious figure he met with did it for him.
  • Noodle Incident: What the "meating" was about and why the person he was "meating" with murdered him is never revealed.
  • Zero-Effort Boss: He's assassinated by the person "meating" him, without you ever having to pull the trigger.
