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Characters / cat planet

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     The Angel 
An angel who happens to be on cat planet, and is tasked with talking to all the cats.

     The Cats 
The (rather populous) inhabitants of cat planet.

  • Cute Kitten: They're tiny, round cat with cute little smiles.
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: Most of the cats typically spout random things when you collect them. There's even one that says "i just added another parsnip to the 8th dimension turbines!"
  • Gotta Catch Them All: Or in this case, talk to them all. The game keeps track of which ones you already met and how many you met.

     The Crows 
Found at the end area of cat planet, these crows are a major obstacle.

Unmarked spoilers for Super Cat Planet ahead. You have been warned.

     The Strange Cats 
The calmer, introverted inhabitants of Cat Planet who take on darker, fuzzier fur to differentiate themselves from the normal cats.

     The Secret Fansequel Spoiler Character 
The girl you meet at the end of the Bonus Dungeon, who replaces the big crow of earlier versions.
