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Characters / Amorphous+

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    Player Character
The character you play as in-game, and your main goal is to hunt down nests of glooples with a sword in hand.
  • BFS: He wields and swings a huge sword, Splatmaster3000.
  • The Blank: He has no visible face.
  • Featureless Protagonist: The only noticeable elements of this character are, being bald and some blue clothing.
  • Glass Cannon: He's capable of splatting many glooples with ease at a rather fast rate thanks to their weaponry, but they're usually a Two-hit-point-wonder at most with the reactive armor on. Without any armor, they're dead in one attack.
  • One-Hit-Point Wonder: Most attacks from glooples can kill him in one shot.
  • No Name Given: He's not given any name.


    In General 
The titular blob monsters that you must kill throughout the game.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: The bestiary states that, besides being gelatinous masses of organic compounds, glooples are alcohol-based in composition and utilize internal pressurization to maintain living functions. During gameplay, certain glooples possess the ability to Fusion Dance with one another into more powerful forms, some of which possess powers borderline supernatural in nature. Not to mention the fact that they also live in colonies similar to social insects like ants and termites.
  • Blob Monster: Goes without saying for all glooples.
  • One-Hit-Point Wonder: Since they're literally slime balls, most glooples can be killed in one hit of your sword. The ones that don't either have protection to save them from your attacks, or they're just large enough in size to resist a few.
  • Fusion Dance: In a process called glomping, or reverse mitosis, glooples can fuse together to make new, stronger glooples that cannot spawn normally in gameplay. However, only a select few glooples can do this (Green Glooples, Biters, and the fusions themselves), implying that most other glooples are either too complex in biology for this to work effectively, or they require strict conditions that cannot be seen in-game.

Small Nest and Onwards

    Green Gloople
The most common and basic of the gloople variant, acting as the nest's primary workers. They neither target nor harm you, but their sheer numbers can distract you from killing the more dangerous glooples. They're also one of the few glooples capable of glomping with each other.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: A pack of Green Gloople won't kill you, but they always have a chance to become much stronger glooples like Oozle or Void Eater if you allow them to keep fusing and glomping.
  • Fusion Dance:
    • Two Glooples can fuze into an Oozle.
    • A Gloople and an Ooozle can fuse into a Gray.
    • A Gloople and an Gray can fuse into a Void Eater.
  • The Goomba: The least dangerous gloople, and the slime nest has lots of them.
  • Harmless Enemy: They cannot kill you, and if they do bump into you, they stun you for a very short while. Notably, this counts as a form of harm and still disqualifies you from getting the "Badass" achievement.

A yellow gloople with that explodes into a sticky puddle on contact, slowing down anything it touches. This goo acts as both a defensive measure to slow down threats, and a tool to aid other glooples in hunting.
  • Meaningful Name: They explode into sticky goo when killed.
  • Sticky Situation: Stepping into Stickie goo causes a player to get covered in it, making them much slower. It does, however, give insulation against fire and ice. Most other Glooples themselves are not immune, but Biters and Fuzzles get hit the worst, as they become completely unable to attack when stuck in the goo.

A blue gloople that produces sharp teeth and is capable of lunging at you when close enough. They are the nest's primary hunting mechanisms.
  • Deadly Lunge: They move at moderate speed, but their lunging is quite fast and can kill you instantly.
  • Fragile Speedster: Biters have a fast lunge that gets you more often than you think, but they too die in one hit.
  • Fusion Dance: Two Biters can fuze into a Horror.
  • Meaningful Name: They try to bite your character for an instant death.

An orange gloople with a nodule on it. On contact, they explode into an acidic puddle that kills or damages anything that touches it.

A purple gloople that produces baby versions of itself, which the adults often use as projectiles against you. Even after you kill them, the babies within are freed and grow into more adult Clutters if left alone.
  • Asteroids Monster: They release smaller offspring after death.
  • Cowardly Mooks: Full-size clutters try to run away from you if you approach them. There's even an achievement for "bullying" one out of the map!
  • Meaningful Name: They spawn smaller copies of themselves (that grow to the adult size), cluttering up the screen. They can also spit said smaller copies of themselves onto you, which stick to you and slow you down.
  • Mook Maker: They shoot purple goo that sticks onto you. When you shake it off, it becomes a baby Clutter, which can grow to adult size if you let it be. Also, Clutters will explode into 1-3 baby Clutters when defeated.

Big Nest and Onwards

A cyan gloople capable of extending out spikes and hardening itself, essentially acting as a spiky ball. Due to their durability while in this form, they act as defensive tools for a nest rather than hunting tools or utility.

A black gloople that produces ink trails, which can slip you in a different direction on contact. They can also explode into an ink puddle, blinding you if you touch it.
  • Interface Screw: If the player gets hit by one of them, the screen turns black for a few seconds.
  • Meaningful Name: They look like ink blobs which leave a trail of black "ink", and explode into inkblots when defeated.

A large, orange gloople that sticks rocks onto itself to form an armored shell, allowing it to either take out obstacles or crush potential enemies. This shell also protects them from your attacks, leaving very few options on how to break them.
  • Mighty Glacier: They are large and not that fast, but take five hits to kill, are immune to the sword unless their shell is cracked by something else (unless you have the Razor Glaive), and can even survive Disintegration Rays.

A beige gloople covered in a fur coat that can regenerate from your attacks. They are an advanced alternative to Biters, possessing a more complex mouth and a longer lunge attack.
  • Cowardly Mooks: When it loses its fur, it tries to run away from you in the hopes of regenerating before you can strike it one last time.
  • Healing Factor: They lose their fur (as well as their deadly attack) when they have been damaged twice. Make sure you can quickly get that third hit in, though, as it will grow back its fur after a short while, and then you'll have to do it all over again!
  • Meaningful Name: They are covered in fur.

Huge Nests Only

A destructive, brown gloople that covers itself in a coat of fire, although it does go out after a while. Besides burning anything that touches it, it will explode if you try to kill it. It also leaves behind a trail of fire to relight itself if necessary.

A fast, white gloople that explodes on contact with anything, freezing anything in range and leaving them vulnerable to shattering. The closer you are to the blast radius, the longer it will take to thaw.
  • Action Bomb: They explode upon contact with anything and freeze everything nearby.
  • Fragile Speedster: They are the fastest of the Glooples, but explode the second they touch anything. Unfortunately, when that happens, it freezes everything around it, making them quite dangerous.
  • An Ice Person: When killed, they release a cold aura freezing everything in a radius.
  • Meaningful Name: They are filled with icy liquid which they release on contact.
  • Taking You with Me: They freeze everything around them when killed. If you're frozen and get hit by anything, you shatter.


A fusion between two Green Glooples. Unlike their harmless predecessors, Oozles are hostile and will swallow you on contact, crushing anything else smaller than them (or each other).
  • Fusion Dance:
    • It's a fusion between two green Glooples.
    • It can fuse with a green Gloople to become a Gray.
  • Gelatinous Encasement: It can kill the player character by engulfing him in its gelatinous body.
  • Rule of Three: Takes three sword slashes to die.

A grey gloople formed by an Oozle and a Green Gloople. Grays are capable of hardening their bodies against your attacks, but they do leave themselves vulnerable when they use their tentacles to attack.
  • Chrome Champion: It may not literally be made of metal, but this Gloople's color is a metallic gray, it can produce a hard spike and it can harden its body, causing a metallic noise when you hit it in this state, so, at the very least, this creature was designed to look like a metal monster.
  • Combat Tentacles: They utilize a hard tentacle to try and impale the player.
  • Fusion Dance:
    • It's a fusion between a green Gloople and an Oozle.
    • It can fuse with a green Gloople to become a Void Eater.
  • Gelatinous Encasement: It can kill the player character by engulfing him in its gelatinous body.
  • Meaningful Name: As indicated by their name, they are grey.
  • Rule of Three: Takes three sword slashes to die.
  • Tactical Suicide Boss: They try to impale the player with a spear-like tendril, but in doing so has to soften its outer shell, rendering it vulnerable to attack.

    Void Eater
A deep purple gloople formed by a Grey and a Green Gloople. They're slow and weak, but they produce shockwaves to kill you when they get close, forcing you to only attack when they use their long-range attacks.
  • Disintegrator Ray: They shoot disintegrating beams.
  • Fusion Dance: It's a fusion between a green Gloople and a Gray.
  • Glass Cannon: They are one of the most deadly Glooples, but they die in one hit.
  • Gravity Master: They apparently have control of gravitational fields. Which it will use to blast you into bits.
  • Sucking-In Lines: When a Void Eater does this, it's about to fire its Disintegrator Ray. This also happens to be the only time when its "Instant Death" Radius is not in effect, meaning you have to decide whether to get away from the imminent death ray or charge straight toward it for a Death or Glory Attack.
  • Tactical Suicide Boss: They are unable to use their shockwave on stuff that draws close to them while charging up (or firing) their disintegration ray, giving you an opportunity to run up and slash it without being blown to pieces.

A blue gloople like a giant sphere with two rings of teeth, normally invulnerable. They can fling off a ring of teeth that impale you and also mutate other Glooples into Biters, and can send four small razor-edged disks after you, leaving its core vulnerable. Formed with two Biters.

Special Scenarios

A defective gloople that generally appears around halfway through a nest's population. Amalgams will actively consume smaller glooples to grow large enough and divide. Depending on their size, they will also divide if you kill them.
  • Gelatinous Encasement: It can kill the player character by engulfing him in its gelatinous body.
  • Meaningful Name: They consume other Glooples and amalgamate their victim's mass into their body to grow larger.

A red gloople that appears after a nest has reached a certain size. They possess a pair of blade-like appendages that they can utilize in cutting apart foes, as well as guarding against or dodging your attacks. Additionally, Queens regularly produce larvae that infect other nearby glooples, transforming them into new Queens once the original dies.
  • Dual Wielding: It has two large blades for arms.
  • Glass Cannon: While they are extremely fast and can kill you easily, they die in one hit. Then again, landing that hit can still be very difficult, since they can parry or dodge all of your attacks and are only vulnerable for a split-second while lunging.
  • Mook Maker: They drop parasites that infect Glooples. If the infected Gloople is on the screen when you manage to kill the Queen, it transforms into another Queen hell-bent on slicing you to bits.
  • Tactical Suicide Boss: They make themselves vulnerable when lunging, and will parry or dodge any attack otherwise. In fairness, it only makes them vulnerable for a split-second.

    Razor Queen
An massive, extremely rare gloople that appears under specific circumstances, specifically at the end of a nest once you've encountered all known glooples. They possess multiple segments and blades around their normal body, which they utilize in a variety of attacks against you.
  • All Your Powers Combined: They have the abilities of several different enemies, including Biters, Queens, Sharps, Clutters, and Horrors, making them real True Final Bosses.
  • Spike Shooter: She shoots spike balls that lodge in the ground, large spikes to impale you, moving spike balls that act as proximity bombs, and a Tunnel King living spike that only emerges to attack.
