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Live Blogs The War On The Prayer Warriors
Valiona2015-04-22 09:17:44

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TOSC Chapter 6: Because It's Been A While Since Grover Died

Written By: Thomas
POV: Third person
Chapter Number: 4
Deaths: Grover (4)

Immediately out of the portal, the Prayer Warriors encounter some people practicing Satanic ways. Percy responds in the way that might be expected of them, somehow stabbing the man in the eye and driving the point through the nape of his neck (which seems to be impossible unless the point changed directions inside the man's skull), then cutting the man's head off while it's still on the spear, enabling Percy to display it as a trophy.

Percy then goes off on a brief spiel about how the communists' false gods cannot help them now that he has arrived with Grover and Ebony, how "Jesus Christ is the only way to slavery," and that the Prayer Warriors pray for the souls of those who bless them while hoping their enemies go to hell. Percy is saying this, the Communists refrain from trying to kill him.

Unfortunately for Grover, the same can't be said for him. The leader of "the satanic scum" from Moscow hits him in the legs with a stone, crushing his tendons and legs, and stabs him in the belly as he lies on the ground, writhing in pain, thereby killing him. Grover is quite unlucky, since not only does he died the most often, but he dies the most painfully. Percy retaliates by stabbing the man in the chest with a spear and striking him with a sword, but is unable to loot the body because the man's reinforcements arrive. Percy gets some reinforcements, whom Jesus Christ sent over by giving them a dream, but the communists get reinforcements who are also more powerful than Percy's. In spite of that, Percy is able to defeat them all, and refuses to bury the bodies of the enemy dead.

Jerry then turns to his followers, who are said to be good Christian men- the women are left behind to prepare the post-battle meal. Percy rehashes Jerry's "Who Am I?" speech from The Evil Gods Part 1, before going on to something new, as he expresses his desire to crush the women's equality movmement, make "left-wing politics" a capital offense.

The others cheer and follow a leader they consider a "true Christian" against John Lennon. The author once again insists that he knows history.

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