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Reviews FanficRecs / Mizukage

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DHDragon Since: Oct, 2015
10/27/2021 14:31:08 •••

I've gotta agree with Kolyat. The writing is so incredibly bad that it overpowers everything else about the story - and it's not only grammar, but technique as well. The author spends at least ten chapters spoon-feeding readers world-building in the laziest way, which could have been interesting if the author had had any idea of how to make said world-building interesting, rather than merely a list of facts.

Furthermore, it's not a completed fic, despite being listed as one. It's a dead fic. The story ends at chapter 50, with a clear indication that there should be more, but hasn't been updated in two years.

I cannot in good conscience recommend Mizukage to anyone.

LiaMerez Since: Sep, 2020
10/27/2021 00:00:00

Shall I move this rec to the dead fics section, then?

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