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I highly apologize for that, but since \'ThereIsNoSuchAthingAsNotability\' I though that there wasn\'t such a place.
I highly apologize for that, but since \\\'ThereIsNoSuchThingAsNotability\\\' I though that there wasn\\\'t such a place.
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On MagicIsALogicalExplanation, so do the characters themselves accept \
On MagicIsALogicalExplanation, so do the characters themselves accept \\\"magic\\\" as an ultimate truth. As McCartneyFan said before me, the characters accept that \\\"Magic\\\" is a natural force, like how we accept the idea of \\\"gravity\\\".

But there is a key difference, since \\\"gravity\\\" is a very specific idea: \\\"objects attract objects\\\". Magic on the other hand, is not specific at all. (It could be anything, from \\\"how aquaman talk to fishies\\\" to \\\"how jesus turn water into wine\\\" to \\\"how internet works\\\")
In some sort of way, the specific idea of Magic is: \\\"it has no reason\\\"....

Bearing that in mind, is not the same saying \\\"It fell because of gravity\\\" (\\\"It fell because objects attract objects\\\") than saying \\\"It turned into a rabbit because of magic\\\" (\\\"it turned into a rabbit because of no reason\\\").

Of course, this trope doesn\\\'t apply in case of the MinovskyParticle , since the Minovsky Particle itself is the reason behind everything.


About the examples, I couldn\\\'t think of any when completing the wiki, but I remember thinking this a couple of times when reading american comics/manga or watching anime. If this trope-page doesn\\\'t get deleted, I\\\'ll try to add examples.

In case it get deleted, I\\\'ll try to re-write it and post it on ykttw.