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YMMV / The Wyoming Incident

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  • The Chris Carter Effect: The ARG is notorious for its complete and utter inscrutability. With it constantly jumping between formats, involving so many layers and "characters" that may or may not be legitimate, and ultimately just resulting in far more questions than answers, it may come as a surprise that the project is still technically ongoing, though it may be less surprising that it seems to be because nobody has the willpower or fortitude to bother finishing or "solving" it.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The videos. They all contain close-up shots of bizarre, mannequin-like faces with distorted music that plays in reverse, and ominous, threatening messages that flash on the screen intermittingly.
    • The reveal that the Happy Cube is a forum for serial killers who gather in pre-planned destinations to hunt their victims. Their matter-of-fact conversations about preferred "tools of choice" only make this revelation all the more chilling.
    • The mass rituals that took place on the Happy Cube deliberately utilized this in order to summon an "aspect" of a god that thrived on fear. The potentially dangerous parameters that these rituals maintained just scream, "nope" and even drove participants to quit out of concern for their own mental health.
  • Nightmare Retardant: It's a bit hard to take one of the videos seriously when one of the faces is very clearly just a screenshot of the G-Man (who is, admittedly, still a very creepy character).
