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YMMV / Sailor Moon Super S Ep 39

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  • She Really Can Act: Fans of the original dub often talk about Linda Ballantyne's portrayal of Serena in this episode as her absolute best, from her parting shot at Nehellenia before jumping to the emotional plea she makes for Rini to wake up before they both die. Coupled alongside Kate Trotter's utterly vicious Nehellenia.
  • Woolseyism: After Nehellenia throws Chibi Moon off her rising debris platform, and Sailor Moon finishes up a brief BSOD, in the Japanese she turns around and says "I won't lose to you!" and jumps off to rescue Chibi Moon. In the original Cloverway English dub (and final episode of the original dub), she says "I still pity you." Directing this at Nehellenia, who was always envious of Sailor Moon and the Silver Millennium and her kingdom and who can't stand when people pity her, this line was delivered with much more impact and sting and emphasized Usagi's demeanor more effectively.
    Nehellenia: Now how do you feel, Miss Sad Eyes? You've lost what you loved most, and you've lost your happy future. Now maybe you can understand how I feel. Huh?!
    Sailor Moon: I still pity you.
