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YMMV / Red Hood: Outlaws

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  • Tear Jerker: Episode 29 reveals that everything that the Outlaws went through as the Justice League was just part of a virtual simulation of the actual League's adventures, which leads to some very sad reveals. Eury, instead of having a Heel–Face Turn and helping stop Medusa, is captured along her and is imprisoned in the Watchtower. Mirror Master was never reunited with his husband, and is seen crying as the League apprehends him. Finally, Bizzaro's alternate universe family never existed (or at least never came to this Earth) and Bizarro is still very alone.
  • Unexpected Character: Martian Manhunter showing up in Episode 5, a character with no previous association with any of the Outlaws either as a team or individually. D'kay D'razz, an obscure Martian Manhunter foe introduced in the Brightest Day storyline, was also quite an unusual choice when she was revealed to be impersonating the late Franco Bertinelli.
