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YMMV / Phineas And Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown Hosted By Kelly Osbourne

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  • Award Snub: Many fans seem to agree that "Summer Belongs to You!" is a far superior song to "Everything's Better with Perry", and were shocked that it was named number two. There was also some surprise that "Carpe Diem" didn't make the list, considering that it's one of the creator's favorite songs.
  • Special Effects Failure: This was the only episode completely animated with Flash and as such, the animation is not very fluid. It's also the only episode to combine live action and animation, and Osbourne and Mitchell not only stick out like sore thumbs, they have practically no chemistry with their animated co-stars.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: The first musical clip show had extended versions of certain songs. The versions of "Summer (Where Do We Begin?)", "A-G-L-E-T" and "I'm Me" heard on the albums are significantly different than the televised version. Especially with "A-G-L-E-T", since they already made animation for the second verse. But instead, we got some more silliness with Doof, Monogram and Osbourne.
