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YMMV / LEGO Castle

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  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Knights Kingdom 1 is chock full of stuff that could've been expanded upon instead of being given the axe way too soon in favor of the second theme. The Medieval Mischief and Mayhem book and the PC Creator game manual revealed several things that were never expanded into sets or more stories.
    • Such as King Leo and Queen Leonora being revealed they also have a son thereby revealing Storm has a brother called Edward who is coming home from fighting in the crusades and possibly joining in the fight against Cedric the Bull, Edward is never seen in any physical shape or form.
    • Princess Storm is shown to have feelings for Sir John Of Mayne one of Leo's two best knights and we never get to see them properly develop and become an actual couple.
    • The manual for the PC Creator based game reveals that Cedric found Weezil abandoned in the forest and Cedric took the boy in as his own son, never do we get to see the relationship between the two or if Cedric actually really cares and loves Weezil, aside from the PC manual nothing ever hints that Weezil is Cedric's adopted son as Cedric never refers to Weezil as his son and neither does Weezil call Cedric father or anything and calls him by either just Cedric or Sire so unless you had the manual you'd have no clue about this part of Weezil's character.
    • Never do they give any explanation on to how Gilbert the Bad lost his eye.
    • But the biggest wasted potential is around Cedric the Bull himself: Unless you wanna stick with the backstory about him originally being one of Leo's knights according to a US Lego Mania Magazine, the PC game manual and Medieval Mischief and Mayhem book reveals that he's the 13th son of an unknown king(thereby making him a prince)of a land faraway from Leo's kingdom. Then when the king died he left his land to be divided up and ruled by his his sons, all the princes got a share of land except for Cedric which resulted in him traveling far away from his homeland, going rogue, finding Leo's kingdom and developing an obsession of taking over and ruling Leo's land for himself.
  • Unintentionally Sympathetic: It's not hard to feel a little bit sorry for Cedric the Bull once you find out the whole reason to why he's so obsessed and focused on taking King Leo's land. A 13th prince from an unknown distant kingdom with 12 older assumed brothers who were all given a share of land to rule after the death of their father all except for Cedric just because there no land left for him to rule before he got his share(somehow!) Even more despite that yeah he's trying to take Leo's land by force there's no evidence that Cedric has killed anyone in his attempts and attacks on the castle and official statements say that Cedric will just banish Leo's family instead of just killing them in cold blood or chucking them in the dungeons to rot if he finally wins. The cutscenes in Creator Knights Kingdom may seem funny at first with Cedric's failed attempts but then they just seem kinda mean and make the Lions look like jerks especially due to 3 of them ending with them laughing at Cedric's failure and humiliation. Not to mention the last cutscene is Cedric as a prisoner in the dungeons after finally being captured off-screen and Gilbert and Weezil fail at attempting to set him free, which probably resulted in them getting thrown in the dungeons afterwards too probably destroying any of Cedric's hopes of escaping. It just wants you to side with Cedric and make him finally win! This guy just wanted to be a ruler of his own share of land just like his brothers but he was wronged and left with no land to rule!
