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YMMV / Goose Goose Duck

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  • Game-Breaker: The Pelican swallows its victims whole, meaning it doesn't leave corpses. This means they can run around recklessly murdering everything in their path as long as nobody sees them make the kill, with the only drawback being that they have a relatively long kill cooldown. On top of that, if a Pelican does somehow manage to get caught, it'll screw over the killer and get revenge since all its victims that round will pop back out and immediately finger their savior as a Duck. You have to be unlucky (there are still Ducks running about trying to kill everything) or profoundly incompetent to lose as Pelican.
  • That One Level: Eagleton Springs has no sabotage that disables the alarm, and the alarm can be called faster than the Ducks' kill cooldown, so once the Geese get nervous, expect them to just call meetings over and over until they either toss enough players to end the game or the Ducks get bored and out themselves.
