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YMMV / Fears to Fathom

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  • Realism-Induced Horror: Invoking this is essentially the whole point of the series: all the games are allegedly based on true stories and while certain things are embellished or exaggerated, the nightmarish scenarios could all plausibly happen to anyone in real life, including having your house broken into by a dangerous person, staying at a shady place where opportunistic creeps wish you harm, being stalked by an obsessed ex and so on. Ironbark Lookout is more outlandish given it involves a cult in the woods, but even this episode contains realistic fears around being stuck in an isolated location where you can't be certain if everyone you meet means well and help isn't easy to come by; some players have also pointed out that criminal organisations do sometimes operate in rural areas, plus there are many cases of people disappearing or meeting sinister fates in the woods.
