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YMMV / Beans

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  • Awesome Moments:
    • The line of Mohawk women standing between the two warring sides to prevent an all-out gunfight, fully prepared to take the gunfire as they roundly call out their own side for resorting to violence.
    • Tekehentahkhwa clawing the face of April's brother when he tries to rape her.
  • Heartwarming Moments:
    • The moment that Tekehentahkhwa realizes that her mother survived— and she has a baby brother now.
    • April finally hugging Tekehentahkhwa at the end of the film, having clearly found a more positive place in life.
  • Realism-Induced Horror: From the brutal hate crimes and racism that the family is subjected to (Examples include being forced out of stores and "white" territory, stoned by white citizens while trying to get home, and forced to walk home to escape a mob burning an effigy), and the main character nearly being raped, the film cuts deep with heavy subjects, much of which is depicted through archival footage due to its basis in a real protest.
  • Shocking Moments:
    • The white citizens driving Tekehentahkhwa's family out of their territory, starting by them being kicked out of a store, is vicious, but it pales in comparison to the later scene where a mob of citizens stone the car, shattering the windows in an attempt to batter its inhabitants.
    • The horrific scene when April's brother attempts to rape Tekehentahkhwa— causing Tekehentahkhwa to claw at his face to drive him off.
