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YMMV / A Breach of Trust

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  • Fridge Horror:
    • Mogami possesses Tetsuo so he can buy supplies for Mob, but it's specifically stated that this has only been happening for a few months. Mob had been held in Mogami's basement for nearly 4 years. Who were Mogami's previous possession victims? How many people did Mogami posses before Tetsuo? And, considering the state Tetsuo is in afterwords, what are they like now?
    • It's well established that the Mogami house is full of mold, mildew, rats, cockroaches, and other blights. Mob spent four years living and breathing in that air with a sub-standard diet as a child-into-teenager. What is his health like? Mogami had just boughten cold medicine when Reigen went back to confront him...
  • Heartwarming Moments:
    • Mob meeting Reigen for the first time. Especially Mob's reaction to Reigen tucking his hair behind his ear and Reigen's compassion and patience for Mob even though Reigen's been through a terrifying and life threatening day. This scene is beautifully rendered in comic form by sandflakedrawsnote  right here.
    • Every time Mob's been able to interact with an animal, such as Poppy the dog in chapter 22 or Socks the kitten at the pet store in chapter 29. Socks especially as it leads Mob to a resolution that he wants to be able to use his powers to protect instead of hurt.
