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WMG / Harrow County

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Emmy and Bernice were in love with each other in the original series.
  • Bernice is confirmed to be interested in women, in the spin-off series 'Tales From Harrow County: Death's Choir.'
  • This would explain why Emmy didn't show much romantic interest in the young boy Luke, who came to Harrow County in the fifth arc 'Abandoned', and seemed to have a crush on her.
  • There are some questionable panels, (whether intentional or not), in which the two girls look like they are about to kiss, or at least Eskimo Kiss.
Kammi murdered her adoptive mother.
  • Kammi describes her adoptive mother to Emmy as being "cold, detached and vapid", and she then goes on to say that 'she never thought that her adoptive mother cared much about her, but it didn't matter'. This could mean that she either ditched her adoptive mother behind in New York City, or saw her as a loose end that needed to be tied up.
Emmy was being controlled by Hester, in 'Dark Time's A'Coming' to kill Kammi, in order to complete the ritual to bring Hester back to life.
  • This would explain why Emmy really had a vision of Hester telling her to "tend to your twin and once you're done, I'll be coming back to take care of whatever's left." Hester knew that Emmy would have needed a little Mind Control push to commit Sibling Murder.
The Family met Kammi first, before meeting Emmy.
  • In issue #15, when Odessa is giving Emmy a short rundown of their family history, there is a panel which the Meeting Lodge is shown to have appeared in the city, which was most likely New York, judging by the style of the buildings.
