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Call me Frost. Or Perian. Or Perry.

Point being, it's easy to get my attention. Now, why you'd want my attention, on the other hand... Perhaps you've seen me on the forums and would like to call me out. Perhaps you'd like to nerd-gasm with me over something. Perhaps you've heard how much of a BAMF I am (no, not that kind) and want to know more.

You asked for it, bub.

I write. A lot. I like to think I'm pretty damn good at it. I even won a prize once. With money and everything.

Currently, I have a couple books running around my hard-drive. One concerns nautical bounty hunters, the other explores what might happen if the Disney corporation took over the world. (Answer: nothing good.) As I hang around in the writing forums a lot, references to these ideas may pop up. Don't be alarmed. My head isn't always that frightening.

I also read. Way too much. Video games, web comics, beer pong, hiking, and being awkward are all things I excel at.

Until I figure out how to stop failing at this whole 'describe yourself' thing (and the proper coding for everything else), there's not a lot more I can offer.


I drink out of the carton.


Yeah, that's about it.
