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Tropers / Mimithe Red

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I'm Mimi the Red. There is supposed to be a space there. But there isn't for some reason. Dunno.

I'm an ecletic person who likes sweets and fluffies and I often obsesses over a topic before getting bored. I tend to be able to state facts without knowing where I gets them. So don't count on me being able to back them up without googling or binging it.

Also, I loves Pokemon. Can't forget that. I am playing in the Traditional Pokemon Roleplay and Lillian. I also dink around in "Be Your Avatar" things, currently a Yanmega Gajinka (or 'Gijinka' or however you say it). And am playing the Massive Multi-Fandom RPG as [[Pokemon Lyra]]. See a theme?

I guess that is it. You can say whatever now.
