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Greetings, all. KMA here.

Now, to introduce myself...well, if there's one thing in the world I like, it's Kingdom Hearts. And why not? The series, frankly, is amazing. It's every bit as brilliant as it is bizarre, and taken all together, it just makes for the single most memorable gaming experience I've ever had. Put simply, it's a high-flying, nostalgia-loving, super-cheesy, wiggly-wobbly wacky writhing bouncy brilliant genius ball of...stuff. And it's magical! I mean, it's a world where robots, ninjas, zombies, pirates, zombie pirates, and the goddamn Santa Claus, of all things, are next-door neighbors. And it works! A world full of wacky talking ducks, and it still makes for a compelling, emotional, simply fantastic little epic drama. I mean, you really just have to appreciate that.

Actually, I guess that sums me up, already, in a nutshell, right there. Lover of all things cheesy, wacky, and wild. Long-winded. High-spirited. And, might I say, pervert with a heart of gold — or, at least, I hope so.

Massive Entry Pimp for: Kingdom Hearts, Doctor Who, and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Not that any of them exactly need it. >_>
