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Trivia / Rollo and the Spirit of the Woods

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  • Deleted Scene:
    • While traveling through the forest to speak with the rolleys, Millie sings her song.
    • Following his conversation with the Master of the Scales about Millie's death and the eternal darkness that has covered the forest, the melancholic Rölli returns to the village where only Lackey is in high spirits. Feeling himself unworthy of the leadership position, Rölli is about to resign, but Cacophony tells him not to because Lackey has been saying and doing bad things in his mad enthusiasm. Lackey decides to become the new chieftain and gloats that he'll make everywhere things crazier than they already are. Refusing to let this happen, Rölli demands the sceptre back. He and Lackey then duel with staffs on the village bridge until Lackey brings Rölli down and is about to deliver the finishing strike when Big rushes to Rölli's aid and throws Lackey into the pond. Rölli then withdraws to Millie's house with the sceptre.
  • Inspiration for the Work: According to this Finnish newspaper, Tuppurainen visited the former Yugoslavia by the time of The Yugoslav Wars. He saw from the news how young Serbians enthusiastically prepared for war, and he integrated that same atmosphere to the rolleys when they decide to wage war on the elves.
  • Working Title: There were several, like Rölli ja metsän muukalaiset (Rölli and the strangers of the forest), Rölli - muukalaisia metsässä (Rölli - Strangers in the Forest), Rölli - kauhea sotapäällikkö (Rölli - Terrible Warlord), and Röllien maihinnousu (Landing of Rolleys).
