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Trivia / Pax Britannica

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  • What Could Have Been:
    • King George V was originally the king of the UK, with Edward VIII succeeding him. Currently, Queen Victoria is still ruling Britain, while George V and Edward VIII became governor-generals of Carnegia and America respectively.
    • Charles Dawes was originally the starting leader of the United Commonwealth before being replaced by Calvin Coolidge.
    • Alaska was originally called “Novorossiya” and was a prison colony. Said prison colony became the largest gatherings of political dissidents, due to its distance from the Russian Empire. Now, Alaska is known as the “United Colonies of Russian America” and is the most liberalized part of the Russian Empire. The Prison Colony lore was given to the Aleutian Islands instead.
    • China was originally unified under the Qing dynasty before the National Revolutionary Alliance will revolt, causing China to balkanize and Russia to invade Mongolia and Manchuria. As of the Russian Twilight Update, China starts off as balkanized, with the two main contenders being the Revolutionary Chinese Association and the Harmonious Empire of China.
    • Before the American Peril update, the Second Continental Army was guaranteed to spawn. As of the latest version, the SCA can only appear after completing the focus “Escalation Dominance”.
