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Trivia / Beyond Earth
aka: Ho I 4 Beyond Earth

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  • Ascended Fanon: Hybrid affinities in the Rising Tide expansion pack for Civilization: Beyond Earth did not have unique names, instead being named after the two primary affinities that they were hybrids of (i.e. Harmony-Purity, Purity-Supremacy, and Supremacy-Harmony). Fans later came up with ideas for distinct hybrid affinity names, which the mod has also elected to use. One of the names it uses is Mastery, which has been a commonly-suggested name for Purity-Supremacy.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • One very early teaser indicated that the faction lineup would have been much closer to the original Beyond Earth, with the original factions initially led by their canonical leaders.
    • Another teaser had some of the ideologies based on Beyond Earth's hybrid affinities much more overtly similar to their original depictions. Mastery would have been based upon Purity-Supremacy's mastery over subservient artificial intelligence, instead of mastery over nature to make it more resilient. Meanwhile, Divinity would have had both theological and scientific sides, with the scientific in line with Harmony-Purity's focus on genetic modification. Now, Divinity is primarily spiritual if not outright religious, albeit retaining an indifference towards genetic modification.
    • An earlier version of the government types used some much more specific models that were later replaced by broader ones. In place of Oligarchic Administration was Synthetic Technocracy, representing a system that was hypothetically rationalistic and meritocratic, if prone to corruption amidst the bureaucracy. Autocratic Authority was also originally listed as Military Autocracy, specifically representing military juntas.
    • A Halloween teaser showed off The Titan, a warlord whose goal was to build an army of cybernetic zombies and convert humanity into biofuel to sustain himself. However, the developers later declared him to be non-canon, citing that Titan didn't fit the tone of the mod.
    • The affinity known as Synergy was originally called Voracity.

Alternative Title(s): Ho I 4 Beyond Earth
