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Trivia / HTF Wishy Washy

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  • Banned Episode: While the "part one" video clip for this episode is still officially available on YouTube, MondoMedia removed the second part from the site in April 2020 due to it violating YouTube's Community Guidelines. It's speculated that either Lumpy's horrifying corpse or Petunia's intentional suicide caused its removal. It's most likely the latter, as videos featuring intentional suicides aren't allowed on the site, regardless if they happen in a cartoon or a real-life recorded video.

    Even the other segments of the episode set that it fell under (titled "Four on the Floor") were privatized by MondoMedia's YouTube channel for the same reason. Still, the entirety of "Wishy Washy" can be officially watched on MondoMedia's website, and all segments of "Four on the Floor" are available on Amazon Prime Video and Crunchyroll. You can also find the whole episode on YouTube in the form of reuploads if you're lucky.
