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Trivia / Babylon Five S 05 E 08 Day Of The Dead

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  • Out of Order / Continuity Snarl: This episode originally aired while Londo and G'Kar were supposed to be off the station, yet they are aboard the station for this episode. For the episode to fit continuity, this episode would have to take place either before they leave at the end of "Strange Relations", or after they return at the beginning of "The Ragged Edge". Word of God was that this episode was supposed to air after "Phoenix Rising", but this doesn't quite work because it would still have Londo and G'Kar arriving on the station the episode after the Day of the Dead. The episode, however, presents problems no matter where you put it in the season. Moving the episode before "Strange Relations" is probably the best for continuity, but is otherwise problematic because that results in an early reveal of Lochley's previous marriage to Sheridan to the audience. Moving the episode after "The Ragged Edge" makes things strange for the audience and continuity because G'Kar's adoring entourage goes missing.
