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Tear Jerker / Sonny Boy

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  • The cast making it back to their world, to find versions of themselves attending their school graduation ceremony. Through this, the cast discover that they themselves are copies of the versions left behind. Special mention goes to Nozomi, who discovers that the version left behind of hers in the real world apparently passed away.
  • Much of the cast blaming Nagara for being why they’ve all been set adrift, with Yamabiko confirming in episode 7 that it most likely is due to his power, even though he didn’t intend it. It gets even worse when we see that hundreds of thousands of drifters across several worlds, including all those in the world he upside downs into, including Futatsuboshi, all DESPISE him and want him dead for ruining their lives.
  • Nozomi’s death in episode 10, especially for how sudden it was, and Asakaze’s inability to stop it.
