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Tear Jerker / Lamb Chop's Play-Along

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  • In one episode, Hush Puppy enters a sweepstakes to win a bike but winds up not winning in the end and learning that losing is a part of life. Maybe not that sad to an adult, but for any kids who had to learn that same thing, it may bring back painful memories of going through that experience.
  • In the episode "Peer Pressure," Lamb Chop gets kicked out of the "in-crowd" of girls at school because her new denim jacket is (literally) yesterday's fashion. Like the above example, it's sad for any kid who's gone through a similar experience, especially because it's one of the rare times that feisty little Lamb Chop is ever shown crying.
  • Shari Lewis recorded this song titled "Hello, Goodbye" (not to be confused with the Beatles song of the same name) for the spinoff Charlie Horse Music Pizza, the same day that she was diagnosed with cancer. Have tissues beside you while listening to it.
  • "So Long, Freddie" has Charlie Horse having to cope with his titular friend moving away. It's one of the few times anyone can sympathize with him.
