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Tear Jerker / Children of Time (2015)

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  • The mutiny happens because the colonists set to be left on the moon as the Gilgamesh leaves the system are convinced it's a death sentence. After a lot of trouble, the mutineers are killed, new colonists are selected, left behind... and then they die. Exactly as they thought they would.
  • In the religious era, Portia tries to convince Bianca to recant her "heresy" because she doesn't want to have to exile her. Despite Portia giving an impassioned speech about how the world would be lesser without her in it, Bianca refuses.
  • After Fabian has won the war and earned equal rights for males, he is found in his lab, drained dry. Someone murdered him, and no one ever finds out who.
  • Once Lain takes over the ship, she puts everything in order. One of the ways she does so is by putting in strict population controls. If a woman gets pregnant without permission, the embryo is removed and put in cold storage. This is clearly a major source of contention among the shipborn. However, the very first woman who had her embryo removed was Lain herself. She comes down to visit her daughter every once in a while, just watching the frozen embryo through the glass.
    Lain: [flatly] What can I say? I was young and foolish. There was this lusty young classicist, he swept me off my feet. We had dinner by the light of dying stars in a ten-thousand year old space station. Oh, the romance.
