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Sandbox / Chivalry Starved

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Chosen One: Each Fundamental can have one champion, who best exemplifies their sin or virtue. These Chosen Knights gain a supernatural gift or power. [spoiler: Flayne herself is chosen by a mysterious being which grants her incredible durability and healing]

Fantasy Counterpart Culture: The whole damn world! Part of the reason the Familiar Lands are named as such is because the world is a more fantastical version of our own.

Genre Deconstruction: Chivalry Starved takes an opposite approach of Don Quixote, where instead of showing how such a world is impossible, it’s shown how awful it would be to live in if it was

  • To start, there’s extremely powerful monsters everywhere, and as a codex reveals, some were created by the gods.
  • Being a peasant sucks, and cruel and unusual punishments can be doled out. Of note is criminals being turned into puppets to do menial work.

Peeve Goblins: Patience himself has created some to test the mental fortitude of people.

  • Doorbeavers often dam doors to block them and trap people inside their homes.
