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Recap / Thomas And Friends S 17 E 23 The Afternoon Tea Express
aka: Thomas The Tank Engine S 17 E 23 The Afternoon Tea Express

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Air date: July 6th, 2014 (UK), November 6th, 2014 (US)

Stephen becomes very excited when the Earl gives him the special job of collecting the ingredients for the afternoon teas at the Castle. But Spencer teases him about being too old and slow. Stephen is cross, but is soon steaming around Sodor picking up all the ingredients. But soon, Gordon puffs up behind him, and tells him to hurry up. He then pushes Stephen quickly along the rails up to the junction to Ulfstead Castle. Spencer is surprised to see Stephen back so soon.

Stephen pretends to have been really fast. Over the next few days, Stephen is pushed by Thomas, James and Emily, making him super fast. But when he is collecting jam for the Earl, Lady Hatt and the Fat Controller, none of the engines are there to push him. However, he finds Spencer, who pushes him the fastest up to the castle. But he goes so fast, he can't stop and biffs into the buffers at Ulfstead Castle, making the jam fly all over the Earl, Lady Hatt and the Fat Controller.

After he apologises, he takes the visitors to the castle on a tour of Sodor whilst getting more jam, and realises that going slow is not that bad after all.

Tropes featured in the episode:

  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Stephen wanted to be a fast engine like he was in his heyday. After Spencer pushes him, he ends up going too fast, and has an accident where he crashes and covers the Earl and Hatts in jam.
  • Broken Ace: Stephen was the fastest engine in his heyday, but now, compared to the other engines, he's as fast as an old human man. Spencer's insults make Stephen want to go fast again so he could live up to his "The Rocket" moniker once again and deliver the afternoon tea ingredients all on time, even relying on other steam engines to push him at high speeds. Unfortunately, Spencer being careless with him in the end results in an accident, and a jam-covered Earl and the Hatts.
  • Character Development: Stephen learns to get over his insecurities about not being "fast enough" anymore, and focuses on being a really useful engine.
  • A Day in the Limelight: This episode focuses on Stephen and his insecurities about his traveling speed.
  • Jaw Drop: After Stephen somehow manages to get scones and dairy, and still get back to the Earl's castle on time, Spencer's jaw drops in shock.
  • Jerkass: Spencer, in addition to calling Stephen "Slow Coach", mocks and derides his traveling speed on the rails. Gordon does it, too, and even pushes him so he'll go faster. This makes Stephen want to become fast like the steam engines as he once was in his heyday.
  • Malicious Misnaming: Stephen gets called "Slow Coach" by Gordon and Spencer after he holds them up on the rails with his slow speed. This is part of the reason why Stephen develops insecurities about his traveling speed.
  • Super-Speed: Stephen wants this ability so he could be useful again and deliver the afternoon tea ingredients on time. The other, faster engines such as Thomas, James, Gordon and Emily help him out by pushing him forward, giving him the illusion of speed. It later bites him in the butt when Spencer pushes him, and he ends up going too fast and crashes, covering the Earl and the Hatts in jam.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: After his accident, Stephen gets scolded by the Earl for trying to go fast to the point of messing up his appointed task of getting jam.

Alternative Title(s): Thomas The Tank Engine S 17 E 23 The Afternoon Tea Express
