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Recap / The Mr Men Show S 2 E 17 Dining Out

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  • Mr. Fussy and Miss Scary attend Miss Magic's restaurant. Miss Magic's magic, as usual, goes wrong and elephants blow-dry Mr. Fussy's hair into a mess and scare the other guests away/
  • UK Deleted Plot: Mr. Rude ads for his new rude café.
  • Mr. Grumpy attends Tic-Tac-Tickle, the only restaurant where you can get a meal and a tickle. Mr. Scatterbrain is the waiter and Miss Chatterbox comes to annoy him. Mr. Scatterbrain get everything mixed-up.
  • Mr. Quiet, Mr. Nervous and Mr. Stubborn attend Miss Naughty's restaurant, where Miss Naughty pulls pranks on the customers while they're not looking. Octopus soup contains actual tentacles, and baked booms backfire on Miss Naughty herself.

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