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Recap / The InBESTigators

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Recap page for The InBESTigators.

Season 1

  1. The Case of the Curious New Girl: Ezra is tasked with looking after the new girl in Grade 5.
  2. The Case of the Disappearing Deliveries: The InBESTigators first case.
  3. The Case of the Missing Solar System: Pixie’s diorama is missing.
  4. The Case of the Distressed Dancer: Who sabotaged Zac’s dance recital by speeding up the music?
  5. The Case of the Sleepover Secret: Ava is devastated when Pixie stops talking to her after a sleepover.
  6. The Case of the Big Mouth Challenge: The new boy in school can fit a very big cookie in his mouth - but how?
  7. The Case of the Pestering Prank Caller: A prank caller keeps bothering Mrs. Maniaci in the middle of her soap opera.
  8. The Case of the Spoiled Sports Day: Kyle's favorite event of the year goes terribly wrong
  9. The Case of the Exciting Excursion: If Miss Tan doesn't find everyone's permission slips, the class will miss their field trip!
  10. The Case of the Very Lost Notebook: Maudie's beside herself after losing her special notebook.
  11. The Case of the Suspect Sprinkler: Mrs. Maiiaci's roses are ruined by a tampered sprinkler system.
  12. The Case of the Peculiar Pop Quiz: The students in Mr. Barker's class seem to be up to something.
  13. The Case of the Science Sabotage: The Inbestigators get hired to solve a mystery at the science fair, much to Ezra's delight.
  14. The Case of the Wrecked Rehearsal: The star of the school play gets hurt during rehearsals.
  15. The Case of the Perplexing Painting: Someone with great aim has ruined Esther's painting.
  16. The Case of the Turtle Thief: The Inbestigators need to move fast - because there is a turtle thief on the loose!
  17. The Case of the Misplaced Mug: It's an emergency when Mr. McGillick's "World's Best Principal" mug goes missing.
  18. The Case of the Sad Little Sister: Poppy's lost her hat, and now she can't play outside.
  19. The Case of the Disoriented Drone: A little girl's drone flies off and disappears - but the Inbestigators witnessed everything.
  20. The Case of the Baffling Birthday: For her birthday, Maudie's dad stops by the office.

Season 2

  1. The Case of the Concert Catastrophe
  2. The Case of the Soccer Saga
  3. The Case of the Puzzling Pet Day
  4. The Case of the Copy Cat
  5. The Case of the Rosemary Riddle
  6. The Case of the Robot Robbery
  7. The Case of the Vanishing Koalas
  8. The Case of the Extremely Empty Freezer
  9. The Case of the Miraculous Mini Golfer
  10. The Case of the Problematic Party
  11. The Case of the Lousy Lunch Orders
  12. The Case of the Interrupting Intern
  13. The Case of the Freaky Frequency
  14. The Case of the Tricky Trimathalon
  15. The Case of the Burgled Bags
  16. The Case of the Distracted Detective
  17. The Case of the Fishy Fundraiser
  18. The Case of the Incredible Fortune Teller
  19. The Case of the Unhappy Camper
  20. The Case of the Triple Inbestigation
