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Recap / The Bridge Bonus 8 Mother's Day Special: The Queen Mother

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1993, National Institute of Biotechnics, Kyoto, Japan

Professor Omae and his assistant Doctor Azusa Gojo observe a massive reptile egg that had been recovered from an island. They discover that every time Azusa leaves the room, the egg glows red and the embryo thrashes in distress. Omae tells his assistant that embryos are still able to sense the world around them. He informs the stunned Azusa that the embryo, which their sensors say is male, has imprinted on her and considers her his mother because he's been listening to her voice. Omae walks out of the room. Azusa, at first nervous but with growing confidence, approaches the egg and talks to it. It seems to wiggle happily.

National Institute of Biotechnics, Two Months Later

Azusa just got back from a date with her friend Kazuma Aoki to find her adopted son Godzilla Junior missing. She and her friends Miki and Lieutenant Koji search the institute and are horrified to find Doctor Mitsuo torturing him with a shock collar. Azusa quickly wraps her hand in a jacket and pulls the collar off.

Koji demands an explanation. Mitsuo, a smug, egotistical jerk, says he was trying to put Junior through a CAT Scan in hopes of uncovering a weakness in Godzilla Senior, but he wouldn't sit still, and since he burns through tranquilizers too quickly, he figured the best course of action would be to train him not to move with the collar. They say that was uncalled for and he should have just waited for Azusa to come back. Azusa asks her son to sit still for the CAT Scan and he does it. Mitsuo insincerely tries to apologize and offers her a position in his division, but she punches him in the face and leaves with Junior. Mitsuo angrily orders her apprehended, but Koji says he also wanted to hit him for what he did and Azusa beat him to it.

2010, San Francisco

After her work was complete, Azusa married Kazuma and they moved to San Francisco. A new Kaiju named Trespasser emerges and attacks the city. The now middle-aged Azusa Aoki works with the rescue workers to evacuate the city. When Trespasser targets the last ambulance in the city, she bravely gets in a car and goads him into chasing her instead. He eventually catches up and topples the car. She staggers out and glares at him in stoic defiance. Before he can kill her, the now full grown Godzilla Junior emerges from the sea and drags Trespasser away from the city and out to sea. Enraged that Trespasser would dare threaten his mother, Godzilla attacks.

One Hour Later
"You've grown up so much, my little one..."

Godzilla finishes Trespasser off by firing his Atomic Breath down his throat, which incinerates him until nothing is left but his head. He throws the head into the water and roars in triumph. He starts to move toward the city, but remembers Mothra's warning that as an adult, he is constantly emitting radiation that would poison humans, so he sadly keeps his distance. Azusa assures him that she is all right. A single tear of happiness falls from her cheek and she says with pride, "You have grown up so much, my little one."
