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Recap / Letterkenny S 02 E 03 Relationships

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"You're huckin' the ball around with your pals the other day…”

Wayne, Daryl and Squirrelly Dan are tossing a baseball around while chatting. Dan talks about taking his date to a chip truck, and then reveals that he got a bit of action, which included some anal play. Wayne and Daryl immediately stop throwing the ball to him, and do their best to ignore him as Dan protests that it felt good and natural, and then we get the credits.

Cut to the morning. It's Wayne's birthday, and Katy has prepared a stack of birthday pancakes for him. Daryl and Dan ask her where Stewart is, but she doesn't know, as he's currently not talking to her. Wayne says that they don't make a big thing about birthdays in their family, but when Daryl asks if that means that they can skip his next super-soft birthday, Wayne says no. Katy gives Wayne his present- a matchmaker. Wayne is not happy, but since he refuses to try online dating and MoDean's has burned down, he doesn't have a lot of ways to meet girls. It's very simple- the matchmaker asks him some questions, and then she assesses his answers and sets him up on dates with three women she thinks he'll click with.

At the hockey rink, Jonesy and Reilly want to skip practice because of how bad relations between them and their teammates have become. However, they discuss venting their frustrations on their teammates, and decide that it might be a fun practice after all.

In the barn, Wayne and Katy meet the matchmaker. She asks Wayne her questions, but he stonewalls all of them, claiming they're too personal. Katy answers them for him, however.

At the back porch, the Hicks are throwing the baseball around when Stewart comes up and asks if Katy's mentioned anything about him not talking to her. When they confirm this, he says that he's giving her the silent treatment so she knows he's mad at her. The Hicks do not approve, and when Stewart leaves, Wayne throws the baseball at him.

Wayne's first date is with Kim, a psychologist and feminist, at a bar out of town where Glen is working as a waitress. Kim is very forthright and intense, and while she's very into Wayne, Wayne is not.

At the dollar store, the Skids are dancing when Stewart walks up. After calling a truce and dropping their Epi Pens, they discuss Katy and the silent treatment, and then talk about gaming. Stewart asks if the others want to game with him, but while Roald seems into it, Devon refuses. As Stewart leaves, Devon throws a soccer ball at him, nearly causing a car accident.

Wayne's second date is with Lisa, a preschool principal, at an ice-cream truck up country where Glen is also working. It doesn't go well, because Lisa and Wayne's views on children are absolute opposites.

Back at Wayne and Katy's house, Stewart approaches Katy, and after a while, they talk. Katy is very dismissive of the silent treatment, and tells Stewart that if he has a problem with her, they should just discuss it like adults. She then dumps him, saying that it's time for them to move on, and he was just a rebound, even though they never had sex. She adds that nobody has time for the silent treatment, even in Letterkenny, and leaves. As Stewart leaves, Daryl hits him in the head with the baseball.

Wayne's third date is at a chip truck east of Letterkenny, and turns out to be with Angie. (Yes, that Angie.) Glen is there too, but not as an employee, as a customer. Angie asks Wayne if they can 'talk' in his truck, and grabs his jeans to accentuate her point.

Back at the produce stand, Wayne says that the third date was just right, but refuses to kiss and tell. This segues into a long discussion about how porn stars fake orgasms, complete with demonstrations.

Back at the hockey rink, Reilly and Jonesy discuss practice and their new teammates, and conclude that maybe practice isn't all that bad.

At the dollar store parking lot, the Skids are dancing when Stewart walks up. He and Devon then proceed to have a dance-off for leadership of the Skids; Stewart wins, and the rest of the Skids hail him as their leader once again, ending the episode.
