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Recap / Hora marcada

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List of episodes in Hora marcada:

"Concierto para mano izquierda" ("Concerto for left hand").

"De Ángeles y Demonios" ("Of Angels and Demons").

"El motel" ("The motel").

"A veces regresan" ("Sometimes they come back").

"De ogros" ("Of ogres").

"El Dinosaurio " ("The Dinosaur")

"La secta" ("The Sect").

"Videojuegos " ("Videogames")

"En espera de la noche " ("In the wait of night")

"La Bruja tuvo la culpa " ("It was the Witch's fault")

"Musica de Medianoche " ("Midnight Music")

"Duplicado " ("Duplicate")

"Regalo de Navidad " ("Christmas Present")

"El ultimo metro " ("The last subway")

"Humo rojo en las venas " ("Red smoke in veins")

"Noche de Paz " ("Silent Night")

"No todo lo que brilla... " ("Not All That Glitters...")
