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Recap / Harmony And Horror Episode 6

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"D0n'T_CrY.mp4" begins with a static image advertising "Sofia the Singing Marionette" with a short jingle in the background. It opens to a red room with two red balls, groups of candles, and a Sofia marionette in the middle of the room with her head down. The strings attached to her raise her right hand in a wave. In a distorted voice, she says, "Hello. I am Sofia. Will you sing for me?" A distorted image of what appears to be the Ice Cream Man flashes on screen before cutting to a dark room, illuminated in the center. A bizarre baby doll "crawls" across the floor as Tiny Tim's "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" plays. The baby doll's head turns to face the viewer, revealing it has a theater mask for a head. The baby doll stands, gradually making its way closer to the viewer and the word "Mama" appears at the bottom of the screen.

The Ice Cream Man stands in a basement, having a battle with his sanity and control of his body as he taps his hands against his head before slamming his head against the concrete wall with a disconcerting cracking noise.The baby doll's theater mask head appears on screen, a chunk missing from the top and dripping blood. Its hand pulls off its mask to reveal a crying baby's face, presumably that of Ava Greywhinder.

A low resolution picture of the Jester, Martin's alternate persona, tells Macy "he's got a special surprise for her". He then becomes infuriated and screams "I order you to come here right now!"With the camera focused on an image of the Jester, Martin, offscreen tells Macy "Things are going to be better now" and that he "Made her this way so she could sing", having just transformed Macy into Sofia the Singing Marionette. Martin begins to speak to someone (later revealed to be Arthur as the Ice Cream Man) becoming infuriated that he is no longer obeying Martin, asking if "he's got cotton in his ears". Martin begins to murmur "No" as sinister laughter is heard and the screen cuts to static.

A static image of the Jester appears. Sofia is back on screen, her face skull like. She asks again "Will you sing for me?" and two further videos "Yes I shall sing" or "No I shall not sing" appear selectable as the video ends.
