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Recap / Grimms Notes Event 4

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Dango of Hapiness (しあわせの団子)
Category: Character Event
Duration: February 15, 2016 15:00 - February 29, 2016 14:59

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If I fall 7 times, I'll get right back up 8 times (七転八起)

The [Supernatural Rice Cake]. The mysterious Rice Cakes is said to grant wishes to those who ate them. Kuramochi Anko, a girl who works in Kawaraya, a tea house on the mountain slope, was looking for a Rice Cake recipe she lost. One day, on her way back from the woods, Anko overhears Travelers saying that they found a part of a recipe scroll. Rushing over to the sound, Anko meets the heroes. Anko guides them to Kawaraya to hear more about the recipe.

The heroes, originally planning to exit the Story Zone through the mountain path, discover that the path is blocked by a landslide. The tea house master, Kawara Senhyoe, suggests that they stay at the tea house until the mountain path is cleared. Meanwhile, Anko heads out to deliver Rice Cakes to Kazesetsu Kusanoan, a young lord of the Tea Academy and a regular customer. Admiring Kusanoan in secret, Anko wonders about her fate but also is content with being near Kusanoan.

Strong Body and Strong Mind (質実剛健)

Kawara Senhyoe leaves the shop to help clear out the landslide. The heroes also accompany him to help.

The heroes ask Kawara Senhyoe about Anko and the [Supernatural Rice Cake]. Kawara Senhyoe knows about Anko's heart, and wishes her happiness. At that time, while delivering traditional biscuits to Kusanoan as usual, Anko overhears Kusanoan talking with her older sister, Momoka. Finding out Kusanoan plans to leave to a foreign land soon, Anko leaves...

Lead with the Eye and Call with the Heart (目挑心招)

Anko's heart is troubled after learning about Kusanoan's plans. Then Momoka visits Kawaraya. Momoka was heading out to retrieve an item, and wanted to ask Kawara Senhyoe to accompany her. But as Kawara Senhyoe was unavailable, she asks the heroes instead. And so, the heroes head to a cave with Momoka.

What Momoka wanted to find was the recipe scroll of the [Supernatural Rice Cake] left by her mother. Momoka, who has been playing the role of the bad sister to nudge her sister Anko to break out of her shell, asks the heroes to give Anko the scroll. Meanwhile... Anko became nervous while trying to find the [Supernatural Rice Cake], and—-

Clear and Calm Feeling (明鏡止水)

When Momoka and the heroes return, a worried Kawara Senhyoe asks them about Anko's whereabouts. He said Anko ran out of the shop suddenly and did not return. As Kawara Senhyoe and others are about to search for her, Kusanoan comes by and decides to help. The heroes search for Anko with Kusanoan.

Anko, while searching for clues about the [Supernatural Rice Cake], sprain her ankle and cannot move. Then Kusanoan comes to her rescue. Anko talks with Kusanoan and realizes how dear the tea ceremony is to him. But as Kusanoan says he will [leave when the mountain path is cleared], Anko's heart is changed. After returning to Kawaraya, Anko receives the scroll from Ex, but she declines, saying she does not need it anymore.

The Past will Never Return (一期一会)

Anko decides not to follow the [Book of Fate], and prepares something else to express her heart. At the day when the mountain path is cleared and Kusanoan is leaving. Villains attack Anko, as she was trying to escape the fate laid down by the Story Teller. Then the heroes come for her. With the help of the heroes, Anko goes to Kusanoan.

Anko meets Kusanoan and gives him something. It was a booklet of traditional biscuit recipes that Anko has experienced. Upon hearing Anko's wishes for his safety, Kusanoan also states his wish. [Please wait for me in Kawaraya until the day I return. I promise to come back for you.] And Anko nodded her head.

Tropes appearing in this episode:

  • I Will Wait for You: Kusanoan promises Anko to come back and have Kawaraya Rice Cakes with her, even if he doesn't know when that will be. Naturally, Anko agrees to wait for him.
  • Screw Destiny: Rather than give the Supernatural Rice Cake to Kuzsanoan as she was predestined, Anko decides to give him a booklet of biscuit recipes written by herself. This doesn't go unnoticed by the zone's Story Teller and sends a few Villains after her.
