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Recap / Fighting Foodons E 25 Chase In Space

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Dia is restored to normal thanks to Chase's cooking and has no memory of her time as Clawdia. Apparently she was a rocket scientist at one point, and the Big Four were her lab test partners before they all fell under King Gorge's thrall. She reunites with her old Foodon friends and prepares an Eggplant Rocket for Chase to fight King Gorge in outer space.

Chase and his Foodons are able to enter space (and are somehow able to breathe), where Gorge awaits them. He plans to use the Dark Nebula to summon Devouron, the Foodon embodiment of evil, and to stall Chase he attacks him with two powerful Foodons. Chase summons Feastivus to combat the threat, and wins, but the battle is far from over. Gorge also reveals that he has a hidden array of mind control beams in his statues around the world!

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