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Recap / Fighting Foodons E 14 The Comeback Squid

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Leading from the previous episode, Chef Jon and Coco also decide to tag along with Chase after being saved from the Gluttons. Chase and the Gang find the Port town of Sardinia, known for their large fish market. Recently however, the fisherman have been catching nothing but octopus and squid, thanks to a pair of kaiju sized octopus and squid rampaging in the ocean. Fried Ricer is also revealed to be deathly afraid of these particular xephalopods.

Meanwhile, out in an ocean cave, Clawdia reports to Cole Slawter about Fried Ricer's cephalophobia, and the bonus of Fruit Turtle being ignorant to Chase's commands. With Fruit Turtle no longer a threat, Cole Slawter focuses on Fried Ricer's sea food fears. Despite his fear, Fried Ricer eventually succeeds in taking Squid-Vicious and Octo-Poison down. Fruit Turtle turns Cole Slawter back into his true form, a bear.
