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Quotes / Well-Trained, but Inexperienced

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"Sir Mycen has been teaching me to use a blade since I was a boy. I've received tutelage in military tactics, medicine, weather, terrain... I know as much about war as any man who has never seen one can."

O-Chul: You donkey carries a sword. Do you know how to fight?
Hinjo: Of course! My uncle's best samurai showed me the basics.
O-Chul: I see. Do you know why I just asked you if you can fight?
Hinjo: Because you want to know if you can rely on my sword if this mission turns deadly?
O-Chul: No. I already know that I cannot, just by watching you move. You have never drawn blood with that blade. I asked because, knowing that you cannot fight, I need to determine if you know that you cannot fight, and therefore, whether one of us would be obligated to protect you from your own overconfidence in the event of a battle. And so I ask you again: Do you know how to fight?
Hinjo: ... no.
The Order of the Stick, from the prequel comic "How the Paladin Got His Scar"
