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Playing With / World of Technicolor Hair

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Basic Trope: A setting where unnatural hair colors are common and unremarkable.

  • Straight: In the show Troperia!, residents of the country of Troperia have rainbow hair. For example, Alex has crimson hair, Barbara has green hair, Carol has blue hair, Dan has purple hair, Elise has white hair, and Francis has pink hair. This is never brought up.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Nobody in the series has natural-colored hair.
    • Troperian hair colors extend into infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths.
  • Downplayed: The residents have a bit of color to their hair, but their normal hair color can be seen.
  • Justified:
    • Troperian genetics really do allow for hair colors that would be fantastical to other people.
    • An ancient sorcerer, Lord Tropington, cast a spell on Troperia that made unnatural hair colors commonplace.
    • Troperia is a virtual world where real-life people can select a wide variety of hair colors for their avatars.
  • Inverted: Everybody has humanly possible hair colors, the unnatural colors are prohibited and require dyeing back to natural ones.
  • Subverted:
    • We are introduced to Troperia by seeing crimson-haired Alex, green-haired Barbara, and so on at a party at a nightclub. When they go home, they reveal that they've been sporting wigs and/or temporary hair color to fit in with the neon vibe of the club. Every Troperian, including them, has natural hair colors.
    • Troperians don't see color quite as we do and this was the compromise chosen by the artist as a substitute for their UV-perception.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Their "natural hair" is dyed; Alex's normal hair color is green, Barbara's is pink, etc.
    • It turns out that they do see color, just differently than ours. For example, Alex sees his hair as a red-brownish color, while his actual hair is crimson.
  • Parodied: Everyone has constantly changing rainbow hair colors. It's never explained how this works.
  • Zig-Zagged: Nobody comments on Alex's, Barbara's, or Elise's hair, but Carol's blue hair is explicitly considered odd, while Dan has been dyeing his hair purple and is naturally dark-haired.
  • Averted: Everybody has humanly possible brown, black, blonde, or red hair. Very few people with unnatural hair colors exist but they are Nonconformists and their hair is clearly dyed.
  • Enforced:
    • The editors don't think Troperia is whimsical enough, so they ask the artists to spruce up the hair colors.
    • The executives can't tell the characters apart, so they ask the artists to give everyone distinctive hair colors.
  • Lampshaded:
    • "It would be really boring if we just all had black hair."
    • Gina is a tourist from Canada who has arrived in Troperia, and she can't help but point out that everybody else has weird hair colors.
  • Invoked:
    • When writing a story of her own, Gina gives the characters odd hair colors that go uncommented on like all the anime she has previously seen.
    • While everyone is sleeping, Dan secretly pours permanent food coloring on everyone's hair, including his, so they would look colorful.
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz, the Big Bad, uses everyone's colorful hair colors to find the one he wants to kidnap, Barbara.
  • Defied:
    • When writing a story of her own, Gina dismisses the hair colors in anime she has previously seen as unrealistic and gives everyone normal hair colors to make the story seem more grounded.
    • A Mad Scientist from another country somehow kidnaps every person in Troperia and changes their hair colors to become normal.
  • Discussed: After putting on their wigs and temporary hair colors to go to a party, Dan comments, "Alex, Barbara, Carol, look at you guys! We look like we're in a shonen manga!"
  • Conversed: "Anime characters really do have funky hair colors, huh?"
  • Deconstructed: Barbaria moves from Troperia to Los Angeles. There, she is bullied due to her hair color being seen as unnatural.
  • Reconstructed: Barbara uses her green hair status to become a celebrity and influencer, causing her followers to dye their hair green like her.

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