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Playing With / We Have to Get the Bullet Out!

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Basic Trope Description: A character was shot, and now they are subject to a surgery to get the bullet out of their flesh.

  • Straight: Bob is shot. Doctors then pull the bullet out of his flesh in a surgery.
  • Exaggerated: Bob is shot with over a hundred bullets, and the doctors take every single one out in a surgery.
  • Downplayed: Bob gets a side wound by a gunshot barely missing him, and the wound is mended afterwards.
  • Justified:
    • It is a historical war setting in which such operations were in fact the best thing to do when someone was shot.
    • There were genuine medical reasons.
    • The bullet has some sort of poison/venom on it.
    • It's an explosive bullet, so it has to be removed before it can explode.
  • Inverted: To prevent Bob from bleeding out, a surgeon inserts a bullet into his body to block the blood stream.
  • Subverted: Bob is shot, and the surgeons gather around him to take the bullet out. But after a second look, they decide to leave the bullet where it is, since the tissue can very well heal around the bullet and the bullet itself will presumably not be a pain.
  • Double Subverted: Then the bullet becomes painful for Bob, and they have to get it out in another operation to finally free him from the pain.
  • Enforced: Rule of Drama
  • Averted:
    • Bob isn't shot, but stabbed.
    • The bullet is left were it is from the beginning.
  • Zigzagged: Some characters who are shot get the bullet out, others don't.
  • Parodied: The doctors have this reaction to a pellet from an airsoft gun getting stuck in Bob's bellybutton.
  • Invoked: Bob's head surgeon has learned this as standard practice when someone is shot and orders his underlings to do so.
  • Exploited: Bob's enemy among the surgeons advises so to take Bob out for a while with an infection.
  • Defied: "What are you, crazy!? Getting the bullet out's gonna make him bleed worse, and he'll DIE from too much blood loss!"
  • Lampshaded: "He was shot, you say?! We Have to Get the Bullet Out!!"
  • Discussed: "We Have to Get the Bullet Out!!!" "Are you sure with that?" "Yes, see?!" "I don't see why..."
  • Conversed: "Isn't pulling the bullet out gonna make it even worse?"
  • Deconstructed: Bob nearly bleeds out, and the wound gets easily infected. He doesn't die from the bullet, but from the operation.
  • Reconstructed: There were genuine medical reasons that made "getting the bullet out" the needed option.
  • Implied: Bob's surgeon speaks with his girlfriend Alice after the operation and shows her the still-bloody bullet.
