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Playing With / Unwanted Healing

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Basic Trope: A person refuses to be healed.

  • Straight: Alice runs to Bob to heal his wounded and infected arm, only for Bob to tell her he doesn't want it.
  • Exaggerated: Alice concludes that the only way to save Bob from infection would be to amputate all his limbs; Bob tells her to fuck right off.
  • Downplayed: Alice gets out a band-aid for a minor cut on Bob's finger when he was cutting up vegetables, only for him to shake his head.
  • Justified:
    • Bob has absolutely no faith in Alice's ability to mend any injury at all whatsoever, especially after the last time she tried to help, which only made matters worse.
    • Bob is in not in the right state of mind to even think about accepting help from anybody, much less Alice.
    • Bob doesn't see the injury as too serious, and could just get it cleaned up and bandaged later after he's finished with what he's doing.
    • Every other time Bob went to a doctor for any kind of help, every doctor wanted an insane sum of money to heal him. He already doesn't trust Alice in that regard, thinking she'll want all his money as well.
  • Inverted: Bob asks Alice to help with healing his arm, and Alice denies him any healing at any turn.
  • Subverted: Alice pushes the matter with Bob and he relents, letting her heal his arm.
  • Double Subverted: Just as Alice gets out a potion ready, Bob grabs her by the wrist with one hand, and slaps the potion from her hand with the other, causing it to shatter to pieces and the liquid within to spill all over.
  • Parodied: A grape lands on top of Bob's hand, and Alice suddenly rushes to Bob to give him a huge band-aid, only for her to get thrown out by an annoyed Bob.
  • Zig Zagged: While Bob will let Alice heal him for more grievous injuries, he won't go out of the way to ask for more or less minor ones.
  • Averted: Alice runs to Bob to heal his arm, and he accepts it before going back to what he was doing prior.
  • Enforced: The writer decides to make a character who won't just accept anything from anyone just because they think it's in his best interests, and would lead to a more interesting character.
  • Lampshaded:
    Alice: Bob, you need help right now and you're just going to ignore and rebuff my help? What the hell is wrong with you!?
  • Exploited: Carl decides to poison Bob's coffee while neither he, nor Alice are looking. Once Bob ingests the toxic brew, all Carl would have to do is wait until he keels over.
  • Defied:
    • Bob, realizing Alice is just going to push the issue no matter what, just lets her heal his arm.
    • Alice knows Bob is going to be incredibly difficult whether he's injured or not and arguing isn't going to accomplish a single thing, and just leaves him be.
  • Discussed:
    Alice: Is there some reason as to why you're not going to just stop what you're doing and let me heal you?
    Bob: You know, Alice? Last time I wanted to get healed by some other asshole, all they could think about was cutting my own arm off. I went to another asshole, and they recommended the same thing. In time, my arm was able to heal without anyone's help. What exactly makes you think I'm going to trust you to heal me?
  • Conversed: "It's one thing to ignore a minor cut, but what Bob has is much worse than that. He really should just get help before it's too late."
  • Implied: Alice rushes to Bob to heal the cut on his arm. Some time later, Bob returns but his wound is still there, with Alice holding her head down, tears welling up in her eyes.
  • Deconstructed: Bob underestimates just how bad the infection on his arm is, and it spreads at a rapid pace, causing him all kinds of terrible pain which leaves him gasping and screaming bloody murder, until it eventually kills him.
  • Reconstructed: While Bob is in absolute pain, thanks to his ability to heal through just about everything, the infection doesn't actually kill him at all and slowly, but surely he gets back on his feet, resuming whatever he was doing. The infection becomes nothing more than a dull ache, and that disappears completely not long after. Alice is actually shocked that he went through all that, and doubly so since he's just doing what he was doing as if nothing happened.
